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do you think astronauts will ever land on mars?


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we made it to the moon 30 years ago - you think mars is next?

interesting concept, don't you think?

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
The first manned flight to Mars is scheduled within the next 12-15 years by NASA. (Sooner by certain other governments).

We have a crapload of things to do before then I guess, like finish the Space Station within a decade. We'd be there in 3-5 years if it were the great 'space race' of the 1960's, where we were trying to beat the communists.
There is no such rush nowadays.

I think it's important to explore, it's in our blood, and will never be stopped.. The cure for AIDS could be on Mars, or in some chemical found somewhere else. We have to move ahead to learn more about what's out there, and to learn more about ourselves. We have the resources to do that AND help our own people on Earth, we just choose not to do that and it's horrible!

Administrator / Owner
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
oh, i didn't know it was going to happen that soon. is there anything that you don't know? i know a lot about poop and bottles.

anyhoo, i'd like for someone to send me there - just me and my computer ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"

Jeez, that thing was butt-ugly! Where did you get that pic from Alien??

"Gecko-In-A-Can... It's mmmm-mmmm good!"
yeah, i could be like dennis quaid in "enemy mine" with the baby drak (or whatever it was called) ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
That could get lonely. You can always adopt the alien baby I showed you earlier!

I wouldn't want you to miss the poop and bottles.

...and there's plenty I don't know!

I'm still working on that park on driveway/drive on parkway thing...

Administrator / Owner
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]

[Edited by Alien @ May 17, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
Takes a very long time to reach Mars... Awfully lonely trip without a female or male companion...

That international space station is the first step to reach Mars. I don't understand why they aren't in a rush to complete it. Why don't hurry the construction and make the headlines as soon as possible and not delay it a few years for a couple thousand people to croak and not be able to see such an incredible accomplishment. BLAME IT ON THE GOVERNMENT. THEM AND THEIR **** BUSINESS OF KEEPING EVERYTHING SAFE AS POSSIBLE. AN EXAMPLE OF THIS IS TECHNOLOGY TODAY. THINGS ARE NOT RELEASED OR DEVELOPED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE THEREFORE DELAYING THE INEVITABLE AND THAT IS JUST PLAIN STUPID. I WANT TO RIDE IN A SPACE SHIP BEFORE I DIE AND THOSE ****S ARE TRYING TO PREVENT THAT. I WILL GET MY REVENGE!!!
I apologize for my aggressive response. I'm just really pissed off at this decay in the important of advancements. Everyone's just enjoying life now and have forgotten the main driving force in in our lives. And that would be the hope for a beter future.