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Do you think Mars can be reached?


Emerging Talker
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There are so many Missions out there, so many Companys that develop new Technologys to reach Mars. Do you think we can make it?
I believe with how far advanced technology is at the moment, we will soon see someone succeed in reaching the moon and being able to explore it in person rather than through the camera on a robot.

They do seem to be very interested in Mars at the moment and I believe it is because they want to understand whether it is habitable.
It's way easier and cheaper to make oceans, deserts, and polar areas habitable. Does anyone think it might not be? I mean, really think about the obstacles in settling on Mars.
Is it really easier? I think both scenarios wont have success. I think we can reach Mars someday, but living on it? hm i dont know
I believe so, but not in my lifetime (and I got a good 30 years left), I do believe in time we can reach anything.
Well thats true, if there wouldnt be a Time limit I would also say 100 % yes
Considering landing on the moon is a hoax, I can say that reaching Mars is crazy idea for now. Scientists have sent satellites in van allen belt and they were destroyed after few weeks due to radiation and strong magnetic field. Not to mention strong solar strikes from the Sun.
I love Elon Musk for the things he does. But Mars project if it were achieved and conquered, It would be the same or worse mess than we have here on earth.
I really don't see the point in conquering another planet if we haven't learned as a society to master the planet Earth, hence, it would be a disaster if humans get to
start living at Mars.

My conclusion: Before we could think in conquering Mars, we should evolve into a more advanced civilization that understand better our own planet.
I honestly believe one day there will be life on mars, maybe not in my lifetime though.
In reality, it's a dumb idea. There is so much wasteland on the Earth. For instance, and no offense to anyone living there, you got Antarctica, Siberia, The Canadian Shield, the desert in Australia, The Sahara. I mean, the only reason I think to go to other planets is in case of a nuclear war or if Yellowstone blows (two examples).