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Doctor's -Do or Don't


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Do you give your kid 16yrs old Vicodin / Tyl 3 for the pain if the Doctor told you too or would you say NO that is crazy ?
depends on what it is for and the size and weight of the child.

I don't like vicodin myself--but I know dh would say if the child is in a lot of pain from surgery or something to go ahead and do it
What is your concern? addiction?

someone is not likely to get hooked from one fill of a prescription. If the pain is chronic, like juvenile arthritis or an injury with ongoing chronic pain, I would discuss alternatives.

I took Tylenol 3 when I was 17 and 18 with no issues, when I had mono and when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I also took an opiate a few years ago when I had a very painful surgery done. I didn't take it long, though. I don't like to take opiate-based narcotics; they knock me out way too much for my liking.

BUT it is your child and it should be your call.
Ok so you know I have talked in the past about my DD16 that has been having alot of health issues. She has had 3 surguries in 2 years(appendix,endometriosis 2x) and she has had this pain in her left leg since about April 2011 . The pain has gotten worse and other symptoms are happen along with it . Here is her conditions she is dealing with(sorry this might get long)
leg pain
nausea all the time
facial burning(like her skin is on fire)
neck pain that goes into her shoulders
electrical shocks(in her neck,shoulders,legs)
when the pain is really bad she get a temp 102
consentration issues..
Nobody can figure it out , her 2 Dr's have told her to take the pain meds since she is so much pain daily. My DD hates to take them because the next day it makes her sick. We went to a Neurologist today to see if they could figure this out. He made it sound like I was a horrible parent for letting her take the pain meds and that she could become addicted. He was asking her f she was depress, and for her to stop taking the pain meds for a week even if it hurts. REALLY !! This is such a joke.. She told him she hates taking them so he said then don't!! OMG
I'm assuming that lower grade OTC meds like naproxen and ibuprofen don't help right? I would definitely seek second opinions regarding your DD's diagnoses.
There's quite a difference in potency between Tylenol 3 and hydrocodone. If you want her to try something, I would start with Tylenol 3 and work your way up. You shouldn't fear prescription analgesics, especially since your daughter seems to be suffering quite a bit; but, I would be sure to monitor her and their inventory closely, just in case.

I'm not trying to internet diagnose here (just a medical lay person here!), but it seems like it would be worth exploring fibromyalgia. My mom suffers from this and it is quite debilitating, difficult to diagnose, and not well-understood by many physicians.

As for the neurologist, get another doctor, IMHO. Any physician who is not comfortable in treating pain or doesn't understand how much chronic pain severely affects one's life is not a person I would feel comfortable seeing, nonetheless taking my own daughter to.

I hope you can figure out what is going on with your daughter and find appropriate treatment. Sending positive thoughts your way! :)
I would definitely try to get in to another neurologist. In the meantime, can you call and talk to her family practioner about the neurologist's statements and see what he/she says?

Hope your daughter can get relief soon and you can get answers to why she is experiencing the symptoms that she is.
I'd for sure get another opinion. Her symptoms are similar to someone with depression or anxiety. It's AMAZING what our mind can do to our bodies. Seriously.

I hope she finds healing soon! To answer your question, I would not give my children that at any age.
Have you taken her to a chiropractor?
Withholding prescription analgesics when someone is in genuine pain is not concern, it is torture.

Go see another doc & keep chasing down the source of her symptoms until they can find the cause.
When DS had his accident and broke his leg in 8 places they put screws in etc. while he was in the hospital they had him hooked up on some serious IV drugs. Sent him home with a script for liquid vicodin :faint:

I had the same concern about whether or not he should be taking it - which he opted not to (seriously the kid was in agony and I decided if he wanted to take it I wouldn't object) but he felt that was too powerful and didn't want to.

I think for me it comes down to what your thoughts are about the doctor who prescribed it in the first place? Did it seem like they genuinely thought it was needed? I'd get a second opinion. I agree it does sound like it could be Fibromyalgia.
Thanks for everyones input. She is so tired of the pain and the Dr's that just want to give her meds . She use to run all the time and play soccer but now she is lucky to walk down the drive to get the mail. We are going to look for a different Dr that is willing to figure this out. I do trust her Dr's that gave her the meds to begins with ,and they know her good enough to said it's not in her head that her pain is really . Her primary and obgyn Dr's are the ones sending us to other Dr's in hope answers .
PK, I don't have any advice other than to repeat what others have said about getting second, third, fourth opinions. I'm just sorry that your DD is going through this, that has to be tough on a kid. :huggy: