Does this mean Lieberman is in favor of Star Wars?


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
Good propaganda for all you Republicans out there - KNS, I'm looking in your direction!

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My knob tastes funny.
Holy sh!t!!!! I'm know why voting Republican seemed like a good idea.

"Now they'll elect a NEW chancellor. A STRONG chancellor!"

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
. props to possum for thinking of that one
As for the Lieberman as Tyrant in waiting, hollywood may see him that way, but he's a ****cat. Cheney, now there's a guy with fangs!

But, in Cheney's defense, I'll bet he can pronounce "subliminal" properly, unlike George W... Do I sense a repeat of the "potato" furore that hit Quayle?


My social security number makes me unique.
Thanx, Beaker.

I heard recently that some people think GW has a mild case of dyslexia, and that could be why he's forever flubbing up words. Personally, I think (and I hope others would too) I'm an extremely intelligent fella, and even so, I often stutter and forget words with the best of them.

My knob tastes funny.
Yeah, but, as president, Bush cant fudge words....

Imagine this.... During a major crisis, What if Bush was on the phone with Russian President Putin, and he said "We're going to launch," instead of "we're going to lunch" ?


My social security number makes me unique.
Oh that's a classic.

Alien - Administrator / Owner
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]