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Dueling Dragons Can Rip your Prosthetic Leg Off!


Mastermind Talker
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Here's the scoop. It's common knowledge now that I work at Universal Hollywood. Well, I was at work yesterday after school, when I heard about an incident that happened in Orlando two weeks ago.

Some guy from New Port Richey, Florida, went to Islands of Adventure on August 14, with a prosthetic leg. He got on the Dueling Dragons Coaster, the one where your legs hang...and, all of a sudden, this leg goes flying in the air. He lost his prosthetic leg.

Doesn't common sense tell you that when you have a prosthetic leg, not to go on roller coasters where your legs hang?

Well, Universal started searching for this prosthetic leg, and couldn't find it. They sent diving teams down to the bottom of the lake at the Dueling Dragons, and they couldn't find it then, and then they drained the lake, and still couldn't find it.

Now, 2 weeks later, it still hasn't been found, according to other people at work, and now, the guy is supposedly going to sue Universal for the incident, even though Universal said they'd pay for the new leg.

Do you guys think this guy has a fair case against Universal? Take this into consideration: They have warning signs to "Protect your Belongings," and "You should not ride this ride if You..." everywhere. I, myself, don't think that he does. I think he's just craving attention from people, and the only way to get it is to sue Universal for something that's his fault. I can't wait until he loses.
Everyone is allllllways tryin' to make some money. If this guy wasn't doing all this to make some quick dough, he would take the money for the leg and have no more complaints. Plus they should throw in a free season pass or something. o_O
Why though? It is his fault that he lost his leg. Universal says that they are not responsible for any items lost in the park. They offered to pay for it, so why doesn't take their offer and leave them alone?
he obviously wants to be compensated for the fact that he was damaged due to his loss of a leg or so (i.e. money hungry).

Still, it isn't unlikely that Universal ends up not only paying for the leg, but piling a stash of cash on top.....

the whole thing would never happen in europe, if you ask me.....
Originally posted by Xilicon
I can't wait until he loses.

What's sad is that he will end up winning. I'm sure he's not happy about having his prosthetic leg ripped off during a ride, but it really shouldn't give him the right to sue for a situation such as this. I'd think with a little common sense that he should know that riding a roller coaster will risk things like a "leg" to be lost. Universal isn't responsible for lost items and yet they are paying him for the leg anyway. But it's never enough for these people. :sidestare
If I'm not mistaken, you live in the Orlando area, right, ziroi? Have you heard anything about a lawsuit being filed? As of now it's all rumor, but, I do know that Universal was going to pay for the leg.

btw, I'm flying out to Orlando on Friday for my monthly training for Grinchmas (I'm in it this year, drumming!). I'll get there on Friday and ride Dueling Dragons a bunch of times using my lifelong express pass, and maybe I'll find it! ;)
Question is, would you really WANT to find his leg? Actually, if you found the leg, you'd be saving a lot of people a bunch of stress. ;)

Yes, I live in the Orlando area (sort of) but I haven't watched enough of the news lately to really know about the lawsuit. I know that he was planning on it.
i find it an astonishing lack of common sense. shoddy is right, it wouldnt happen in Europe, the boy would have no case in the beginning, plus, every ride, event, etc..i have visited in recent memory has had warnings for this sort of thing, e.g. pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, ...prosthetic limbs.
thats the dumbest ****in thing ever... how could u sue for something so dumb?! i seriously hope no lawyer will take his case cuz they will just lose.