Earth Nearly Hit By Wayward Asteroid

Scary, and to think that every 100 million years or so, we are supposed to be hit with an extinction level event causing asteroid. 65 million years ago makes me think we are due for a massive impact, soon. The good news is that there are fewer asteroids in the solar system today than there were say 4.5 billion years ago.
I do not see any reason for fear.

1) all meteorites bring something new. I read, that life was put to earth with meteorites
2) snowman will find his happynes in anythere and anytime, and meteorites can not stalk him from his way
3) meteorites was invented by astronomes to raise their budget
4) this meteorite was targeted to france - it is another side of earth so far from america. This targeting was made with england astronomes ... So, probably it was one from propagandistic jokes some cold war echoe
beware bindersoon elephants, product if modern genetical technologies
To the proving all my previous words :

There are at least five more fairly big asteroids in line to get close to Earth's orbit between now and Jan. 29, according to NASA (news - web sites)'s Near Earth Object Program.

I hear, that Bush want to cut NASA funds ... As I understand, the 2003 Budget for NASA will be approved at 1 april ... So, I think, about 20 meteorites, asteroids and aliens will fly around the earth ocassionally :)

another panspermy theory said : the live to a planet was delivered with asteroid, it evolved until next asteroid will smash it and deliver to another planet
What I want to know is, for all of the science and technology we're pouring into this project, if they ever do detect an asteroid that will collide with the Earth, what are they going to do about it?!? :lol:
As far as I've heard, the goal is to get 20 years warning so they can say 'right, we're going to be blown into oblivion in 20 years, so we'd better get our act together now'