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Eat chocolate, and save your life!


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Chocolate good for you, doctors say.

GLASGOW, Scotland, Sept. 3 — Good news for chocoholics. The treat favored by millions not only tastes delicious but is healthy for you, U.S. researchers said Monday.

CHOCOLATE CONTAINS COMPOUNDS called flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation and reduce blood clotting — which can cause heart attacks and stroke.

“More and more, we are finding evidence that consumption of chocolate that is rich in flavonoids can have positive cardiovascular effects,” Carl Keen, a nutritionist at the University of California, Davis, said at a science conference.

“We not only have observed an increase in antioxidant capacity after chocolate consumption, but also modulation of certain compounds which affect blood vessels,” he said.

Antioxidants such as vitamin C reduce the damage of cancer-causing charged particles in the body.

Platelet activation is thought to be an important risk factor in blood clotting.

Keen and his colleagues measured the impact of chocolate on platelets in the blood and presented their findings to the British Association for the Advancement of Science conference in Glasgow.

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Alien / Soup Administrator
"Meet me at the waterfront, after the social." -Sleepaway Camp
"Shaniqua don't live here no mo'! Is Shaniqua there? Hell no!"
Yay! Going shopping for chocolate this afternoon, then
Finaly someone realizes what ive known for a long time . . . chocolate is your friend

"Never hold a cat and a dustbuster at the same time"
Chocoholics unite!

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, fugly.net guru.
no wonder i've been able to live to this ripe old age... it's all that chocolate!

"The best things in life are silly." - The Garbageman

"Maybe *this* is what 'cooties', the disease that every grade schooler is terrified of, yet knows not the symptoms of which, is!" - KNSinatra at 3:34 AM