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I believe in evolution. I challenge those who accept creationalism and ask them what exactly it is they believe led up to the creation of man.

What are everyone's theories on Evolution or Creationalism? Sorry if this thread has been done, I can't find it.
I'd kinda say a mix between the two.

Until Science can tell me exactly what caused the big bang (if that is the true start of the universe) and where the materials it banged (bung?) from came from and how...then I'd have to say creation.

Evolution also doesn't explain how humans and animals have such complex bodies, same with intelligence.

I was gonna say something else but i forgot....:sidestare
This is more of a religious controversy, so I refuse to respond to this thread. Sorry, but I don't want to spark any flames....
Originally posted by Ahmed
This is more of a religious controversy, so I refuse to respond to this thread. Sorry, but I don't want to spark any flames....

Thanks for taking the time to post, and to tell us you weren't going to post in this thread. ;)
I'm a muslim, so I say creation...
It's logical because nothing is created out of nothing, so how is the world we live in and humans created? By God.

for more info open http://www.discoverislam.com/
i say evolution.

religion, to me, just doesn't add up . . . and where both have little conflicts in theory, i find religion's to be more potent.
Isn't that the whole mystery about religion though? That not all answers are there? That we can't even comprehend the ways God works?

Like I said earlier, what created the material that exploded during the big bang?
Originally posted by mb90078
Isn't that the whole mystery about religion though? That not all answers are there? That we can't even comprehend the ways God works?

Like I said earlier, what created the material that exploded during the big bang?

Im sure there are theories out there about the material that exploded during the big bang. I'll try to research that a little so I can get back to you. The Evolution & Creationist debate is also about how you think man came to be.

I saw that you asked how humans have such complex bodies and intelligences. Evolution explains that quite well actually. Organisms grow and adapt to survive in their habitat. After over a million years of evolution in the human species, don't you think their our bodies and minds would be quite complex?
Ok. let's say that primitive man evolved to us, humans. From where did the primitive man come from? tell me...

Originally posted by Majinbuu
and what created god? explain to me that?
Nothing, God can do things that the human mind cannot imagine, God has has no beginning and has no end.
and, how do you know that? are you god?

probably not. You probably say that because you read that in a book. a book written by man.
I did not read that in a book written by man, the bible is a book from God but it has been rewritten by man that's why some of you feel there is something missing, and so is the jewish holy book, only one of the three holy books has not been modified, that is the Holy Quran, it is from Allah (Arabic word for God), it is spoken through an orphan named Mohammad (may God bless him) who does not now how to read or write, and in the Quran there are things like the describition of the supernova.
Then tell me how come an uneducated orphan in the 14th century now what is a Supernova without the help of a supernatural being?
Originally posted by Typheus
Ok. let's say that primitive man evolved to us, humans. From where did the primitive man come from? tell me...

There is no "primitive man" per say. But the furthest we can trace back our human roots is to fossils of a bipedal ape-like creature from 3.2 million years ago. Named Lucy, it shows probably the first step of becoming a human. That is, the ability to walk on two legs.

Earlier than that, the theory goes that all living creatures today came from the sea. Further back, and you go to the "primordial ooze" I believe. When living creatures, probably nothing more than few-celled organisms, lived.
Then from where did the few-celled organisms come from?
Well evolution is all based on genetic mistakes, and even given as much time as was, it's difficult to see that a single-celled organism would have so many mistakes along the way to create a human which can be so complex.
Typheus, I don't know either. Of course there's the big bang theory, but I don't know enough about it to really debate whether it can be true or false. I believe it's possible the world was created by some higher being.

Originally posted by mb90078
Well evolution is all based on genetic mistakes, and even given as much time as was, it's difficult to see that a single-celled organism would have so many mistakes along the way to create a human which can be so complex.

Evolution is not only based on genetic "mistakes", and I'd prefer you use the word mutations because mistakes is a little misleading. The reason we have come to be so complex is the need to adapt to our environment. If all of earth was in harmony during the primordial ooze and never changed, then I don't see how organisms would change either. But organisms need to adapt to survive, or they die. It's called survival of the fittest.
I have one question:
Why are we alive? so we can die? tell me...
Now I never said that there were never any changes.

And I can see how "mistakes" has a negative connnotation, but in reality, that's what they are. As DNA is transfered, something was coppied incorrectly. Survival of the fittest is based on the mutations and which work the best in its environment at that time.
Originally posted by Typheus
I have one question:
Why are we alive? so we can die? tell me...

Why is any organism alive? I don't know. Do Rabbits just live to die? Do Wolves just live to die? We don't live to die, it's just an eventuality.

You have to find meaning in your own life.

mb900078, you're right, they technically are "mistakes".
There is an answer to why are we alive, because we were created to pray to God, if not then we are useless nobodies who live to die.