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exhibition catalogue :O


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I hope someone can help. My friend is an artist and she is having an exhibition with a bunch of other artists, its very small but still. Ive done some flyers and posters for them since I know a bit about that kind of stuff and want to help her out. The thing now is that they would like to create a brochure / catalogue, a sort of guide or program for the exhibition and again asked me to do it. The only problem is I have not really done that kind of diocuments before, Ive only used Photoshop to create flyers and posters etc.

So my question is what program would I even use? Googling gives me Scribus which seems ok, just wondering if anyone knows any others. (has to be free/very cheap since I am not paid to do any of this :D) And how difficult is it? Also, I obviously have to get it printed as well, I suppose thats not going to hapen with just a home desktop printer?

Please help, would be much appreciated!
Adobe InDesign could do the trick, if you could quickly learn the tricks of it. It's good for paging information such as the one you want to do, which Photoshop kind of lacks of. As for the free, I think there are 30 days trials on the adobe site. :)
Oh someone did reply! :p Thanks Pandemonium I didnt remember they did the 30 day trials! Thaths great! Except that it will probably take me about 30 days to just learn how the program roughly works :p Do you think theres any chance I would be able to print it off with a home printer? I was checking the prices on print24 who ive used before for flyers and they do booklet printing too apparently, its just that its not really within my budget :( I could just print it at home and staple it together etc?
I would suggest you check some youtube videos about InDesign so you get to understand all the tools you have access to, before actually installing it. It could save you a lot of time. As for the printing, it's always an expensive part, which I'm afraid you can't avoid. Otherwise, you could print it at home if you had quality paper, but that's also usually expensive...
Sorry for the late answer by the way! :b