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Explosive Computers Anon



After the LOVLEY incident at the last all night LAN where my slk-900u cracked my CPU die (JIUHB 0310:WPMW) and my ECS K7S5A decided to burst into flames, i realized it's time to upgrade. Now i decided on the A7N8X-Deluxe for my motherboard, but i now have the dilema of what processor to buy. I want a Socket A processor under $150 that i can overclock like a muther !!!er. I would appreciate any suggestions. If anyone has the JIUHB 0310:WPMW/XPMW their willing to sell i am VERY interested in buying it (1.5 vcore preferably).

-Also what 512mb 400mhz DDR do you suggest under $160
Dude that sucks majorly. I hope it never happends to me :X Did u use the 4 white pads that came with it, Plx tell more of how u killed !!!!!
fine fine...i wen to the LAN like alwyas...but this time i decided to carry the computer on my shoulder (considering i had a 40lb metal DDR pad in the other hand)...so i set it down and decided i'd finish making the pad before i set up (yes i make them)...ANYWAY when i went to turn it on nothing happened...black screen...so i dissassembled and cleaned of the AS3 from my CPU to see that i chipped the edge of the die AGAIN...so i put the HSF back on and decided to boot it up again. That's when about 60 leads across the MB started glowing brightly and then burst into open flame. needless to say i was not surprised. i later tested my PSU and found the voltages to be nominal. so i dunno what happenedbut i'm finally upgrading my computer

P.S. burning motherboards add an interesting atmosphere to a LAN party
yea they do, u prolly shorted something. But u had a ecs so u got ur moneys worth

Edit: Post pix dude
wow that sucks...i've heard there has been alot of trouble getting the a7n8x deluxe mobo to work with windows xp. I can't exactly remember what was wrong but i do remember if you upgrade from 98 or something it will work. But a fresh install of xp that is pirated (i think) will not.
meh...whatever...i have to digital camera you f00l...and the win XP thing...it WILL work...or Asus will get e-mail flodded from my e-mail bots =P

anyway what jew think about the 2500+ (266fsb or 333fsb...what's better) because it's under $100 which means i can get better ram
i have the 2500 barton which is 333fsb it is like 1.8ghz stock and i oced mine to around 2.4 with it stable 35C full load
2500 bartons are now locked. get a 1800dlt3c from excaliberpc.com, and god dont get a a7n8x...get a nf7-s...awsome oc-er

for ram...pc3000hyperx 104$...get the 2.5v ones=bh-5 chips. yes i know its pc3000, but it can hit pc3500-3700 speeds, at 2-2-2-5. just listen to me...i aint a dumass.
well too late on the mb anyway...besides i'm a stuborn jackass who will only use Asus...which would be better overall? stock 266 or 333 fsb? but i want a chip that i can get like 1ghz+ out of if possible...once i get the funds i have a friend that will be helping me make a TEC watercooling kit with LN2 burst cooling so heat won't be a problem

EDIT: for ram i'm thinking of saving/borrowing some money and getting TwinX1024-4000PRO by corsair...but what i'm really looking for is cheap CAS 2 pc 3500 or pc 3700...btw i will be selling generic 256mb pc (3200/3500???) DDR for like $25 or something
khx3000....dude just listen to me...im not stupid...that ram can hit 235mhz+ at 2-2-2-5...dont get pc4000 its made for intels...amds HATE high latencies. get the dlt3c from excaliberpc...1.53ghz default, and with some ln2 or something ull get 2.8-2.9ish.
i already own the motherbaord...unless you feel like giving me a new one in exchange i'm not going to buy one from a company i have no experience with...last time i did that the mb burst into flames
LOL, i would of reccomended the 8rda3+ off newegg but since u allready got it thas good. Unknown what u cooling ur barton with, i get 35c idle and 41c load, u must have a tornado :) , i got the slk900u with ceramique, 92mm aluminum fan / 50cfm. Btw im @ 2.1ghz 10.5 x 200
UTMorpheus said:
i already own the motherbaord...unless you feel like giving me a new one in exchange i'm not going to buy one from a company i have no experience with...last time i did that the mb burst into flames
im talking about ram...just stick with mobo.

get khx3000 and a dlt3c...bartons are now multiplier locked=not much of an overclock
corbec how is the khx3000 for u, i was thinking the pc3500 but the timings seemed kinda high, 2-4-4-7...?
i dont have it yet...see sig

In the making
all your base are belong to us...and my sig pwns j00...and sk8 wants me to buy his ram for $110 is it worth it? if not suggest like 3 differnt types of ram 512mb 333mhz+ that are cas2 under $120 preferably from corsiar, kingston, or OCZ
am i like muted? KHX3000! final thats it fine. its bh5. its 104$. get it. dont be one of those ppl who asks for help but doesnt listen....
eh, sk8s !!!! is pretty good, i had a gig of that !!!! did 230+ stock voltage and timing, i was an idiot to have sold it :(
SK8'S does 225...but bh-5 will be better and cheaper! 104$