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Favorite aspect of GC


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I like how its so small.

(Evan, you sure like to post news here.)
Exclusive Nintendo games... they're simply the best.
I love the size cause I can easily take it over my friends house and kick his ****.

I also really like the Nintendo Exclusive's!! They always rock!!

(I cant update the site, so why not get my board going!!)
I like the feel of the controller and that the loading times are fast. I would like the Nintendo exclusives more if they weren't mostly re-hashes and crappy 2 minute long games that Shigeru shat out during a wet dream. You didn't mention the size like the others Karavi, I guess that's because David's been telling you that size doesn't matter.
Indeed, a big hard drive to fill their tower and one that holds lots of data.
The multiplayer games. In my opinion, only Halo can hold a candle up to the Gamecube in the multi department.
Originally posted by Karavi
Everything about it. It's just perfect.

No, no it's not.

But anyways:

- Small
- Animal Crossing
- Not expensive at all
- Other Nintendo games
I like the controllers,and the some of the franchises N' has to offer on it.Oh..I like how it purs.:)
Yeah, the controllers are cool but I think they are kinda small.
I like it for the simply fact that it has the best games.