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Favorite aspect of the Xbox


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I like many aspects of the Xbox which include, but is not limited to: Internal HD, Music Storage & CD ripping ability, Controller, and exclusives such as Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and JSRF. I also like the looks of it. It kinda makes me think im playing on some high tech computer thinggy.
- No memory cards
- Ability to use my own music in-game
- Built-in harddrive/ethernet port
- Controller (not the Controller S - the "Duke")
- Power
- The fact that Bill Gates can buy anyone he wants
- Oh, and the games.

Er. Or..
-The Fact you have to have broadband for live
-You get to pay for a DVD remote
-You have to pay monthly for Xbox Live
-Bill Gates gets to rip everyone off more and more each day
-They figured everyone had big hands, and made the controller as big as Bill Gates' mother

Really, though... I like some of the games. Not many. Just some. I felt like being an idiot, though.
If I had an XBox I would probably like 2 things about it, Knights Of The Old Republic and Fable (when it's released). Considering KOTOR is coming out on the PC soon and I can easily get my good RPG fix on the PC, I don't really care.
Originally posted by Karavi

Er. Or..
-The Fact you have to have broadband for live
-You get to pay for a DVD remote
-You have to pay monthly for Xbox Live
-Bill Gates gets to rip everyone off more and more each day
-They figured everyone had big hands, and made the controller as big as Bill Gates' mother

Really, though... I like some of the games. Not many. Just some. I felt like being an idiot, though.

Come on, I didnt ask for all the things you dont like about it. I maded this thread in every console forum, so instead of dissing Xbox, go and post things you like about your console of choice.
I did post what I like about it. Look at the end.

I like some of the exclusive games. As said before.
What do you mean? There is nothing at the end of your post!

*edits Karavi's post to make her look crazy*
Originally posted by Karavi

Er. Or..
-The Fact you have to have broadband for live
-You get to pay for a DVD remote
-You have to pay monthly for Xbox Live
-Bill Gates gets to rip everyone off more and more each day
-They figured everyone had big hands, and made the controller as big as Bill Gates' mother

Really, though... I like some of the games. Not many. Just some. I felt like being an idiot, though.

- Playing online without broadband is very, very retarded

- You have to pay for a DVD remote, but how many memory cards do you have to pay for?

- You don't pay monthly you dumb **** - you can get a year subscription for $50.

- How so? Way to go into detail

- Good thing they don't have a Controller S, huh? Oh wait a second, they do.

You suck at dissing the Xbox.
Heh, good old phanagram. No Xbox forums should be without one!
Hmmm... is there anything I like about the Xbox?


I think I'm with Karavi on this one.
My friend modded his xbox with a 120 GB hard drive. It's excellent now, he has tons of emulators, ROMS, TV episodes, music files. The Xbox hard drive is a solid step in the integration direction. I also like the emphasis on online play.

But GameCube will always be better, because it always comes down to the games.
X Box is pretty cool.....
-Rip Music onto it
-Coolest Main Menu of the 3
-Cool Controls (works well for 1st person shooters)
-KOTOR, and Halo
-Mem Cards used ONLY if you want to transfer whole CDs or saved games to other x-boxes
Well, although I dont have an Xbox quite yet, but going to get one for Christmas, Im going to say the reasons I do want one (basically the same thing).

Different feel to the Controller. It seems uncomfortable at first.........but my hands never seem to get tired of holding it unlike a PS2 or Gamecube controller.

They know what they're doing online. I have a ****ty pc, but with Xbox I can play Half-life 2, Counterstrike, Ghost Recon, Fable, Halo 1 and 2 online (or at least soon) without worrying about specifications. Also, its rpetty convenient that you just pay £40 for one year,. A years an awful long time. Its not free, but you get a headset, countless amounts of online games in the shops, rankings and all sorts of **** ready.

Internal hard drive. I really did miss the N64's on cartridge feature. Xbox is as good as it gets at the minute.

Saving tracks to your Xbox. Nothing like blasting your way down a mountain designed by professional snowboarders, listening to your own albums.

they have pretty much every genre covered for me. Shootemups. Need I say anything? halo, solider of fortune, halflife 2 (soon), Operation flashpoint and a whole heap of games. Platformers, they wont beat Nintendo, but theres Blinx and Oddworlds oddysey. Adventure games, theres Morrowind, Fable and Star Wars KOTOR.

the reason Im getting an Xbox because nintendo's starting to piss me off. Zelda wasnt the greatest game to me, and metroid was ok. I just want a change.