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'Fess up


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OK, this is my attempt to find out as much as possible about you all. Answer as many of the questions as you dare!

  1. Where were you born?
  2. Where do you live now?
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. Which one song best describes the current state of your love life?
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  6. Have you ever fancied any of your online friends?
  7. List your best friends alphabetically
  8. What's your favourite part of your own body?
  9. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)?
  10. What's the most annoying thing about men?
  11. What's the most annoying thing about women?
  12. Have you cried this year?
  13. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up?
  14. Have you ever smoked?
  15. Have you ever done drugs?
  16. Have you seen a UFO?
  17. Have you seen a ghost?
  18. What's on your mouse mat?
  19. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
  20. Are storms scary or cool?
  21. What's your favourite colour?
  22. What's your favourite food?
  23. What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)?
  24. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
  25. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
  26. Which book are you reading at the moment?
  27. What's your favourite book?
  28. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
  29. Which phrase do you overuse?
  30. What's the one thing you most dislike about people?

8. carrot
21. white and fluffy

Hey!, Dajeil! You forget following important questions :

31. Do You like aliens with big fresh crusty red molded part on their faces?
32. Do You like big yellow turtles.
33. Are You fast and fluffy
34. Do You like to be waked up with birds. If Yes, which part of Your body do they need to peck You
35. Smoked Chicken. Did this combination of sounds hurts You?
*smiles sympathetically@lobo*

hmn, well here are my answers, first draft lol

  1. Where were you born? RAF Wegburg, Germany
  2. Where do you live now? Wiltshire, England
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yep! it's raffiki :inlove:
  4. Which one song best describes the current state of your love life? have to get back to you on that one - things are going really well and I only know cynical songs ;)
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight? lust yes, love no
  6. Have you ever fancied any of your online friends? oh yes
  7. List your best friends alphabetically if you want an alphatical list, steal my mobile and look on there
  8. What's your favourite part of your own body? my eyes
  9. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)? eyes, arse, fuzzy tummy
  10. What's the most annoying thing about men? where do I start? :rolleyes:
  11. What's the most annoying thing about women? hmn, ****iness maybe
  12. Have you cried this year? yep
  13. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can it be time to get up already????? *sob*
  14. Have you ever smoked? yes, for 5 years. I gave up 5 months ago
  15. Have you ever done drugs? done??? lol
  16. Have you seen a UFO? nope
  17. Have you seen a ghost? nope I don't think so
  18. What's on your mouse mat? a flower of some sort
  19. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? only when Tom's around :p
  20. Are storms scary or cool? wayyyyyyyy cool!
  21. What's your favourite colour? black to wear, dusky blue otherwise. Black though
  22. What's your favourite food? peppers. I think thats capsicums to you Yanks
  23. What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)? australian chardonnay; milk; caffeine free coke; jasmine tea; old brown java coffee
  24. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? obviously. Why wouldn't you? they're the best bit!
  25. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? the Dalai Lama
  26. Which book are you reading at the moment? The Goddess Companion
  27. What's your favourite book? A Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood or The Colour purple by Alice Walker
  28. Do you prefer cats or dogs? cats. they're so intelligent. Dogs are dumb and mean. Cats are great. Whoever heard of a dog being a familiar?
  29. Which phrase do you overuse? FFS
  30. What's the one thing you most dislike about people? narrowmindedness. religious intolerance. bigotry. refusal to accept differences in race, gender, sexuality, politics, religion etc etc[/list=1]
  1. Where were you born? euclid, oh
  2. Where do you live now? eastlake, oh
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? :bawl:
  4. Which one song best describes the current state of your love life? another one bites the dust ::shrug::
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
  6. Have you ever fancied any of your online friends? not for years and years, and they lived in the cleveland area anyway
  7. List your best friends alphabetically. i dont think i want to bother...
  8. What's your favourite part of your own body? ::shrug:: hair
  9. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)? chest/back
  10. What's the most annoying thing about men? not flushing
  11. What's the most annoying thing about women? not flushing
  12. Have you cried this year? uhh... i think that is a big fat yes
  13. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? mike
  14. Have you ever smoked? yes
  15. Have you ever done drugs? well, my doctor has me on a few...
  16. Have you seen a UFO? no
  17. Have you seen a ghost? seen? no
  18. What's on your mouse mat? PIKACHU!!
  19. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
  20. Are storms scary or cool? cool
  21. What's your favourite colour? red, grey, black
  22. What's your favourite food? popcorn
  23. What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)? alcoholic: whiskey sour, made by the one and only johnny nemeth. also, bartles and james exotic berry wine coolers. and rolling rock. non-alcoholic: pepsi and mountain dew
  24. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? uhhh.... yes.
  25. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? pikachu ;)
  26. Which book are you reading at the moment? um, i forget the name. the egyptian myth book i mentioned i was reading in the what are you reading now thread
  27. What's your favourite book? twilight eyes, by dean koontz
  28. Do you prefer cats or dogs? :doggy:
  29. Which phrase do you overuse? good story.
  30. What's the one thing you most dislike about people? they talk to me.... :furious:[/list=1]

    lobo's additions
    31. Do You like aliens with big fresh crusty red molded part on their faces? it depends on if this alien is nice or not
    32. Do You like big yellow turtles. i dont think i have seen a yellow turtle. but sure
    33. Are You fast and fluffy. lobo, i'm not quite sure where you are going with this one... :lol:
    34. Do You like to be waked up with birds. If Yes, which part of Your body do they need to peck You> :rofl: no
    35. Smoked Chicken. Did this combination of sounds hurts You? chickens shouldn't smoke
  1. Where were you born? Willoughby, Ohio
  2. Where do you live now? Gurnee, Illinois
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yep
  4. Which one song best describes the current state of your love life? I really haven't thought about that
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope
  6. Have you ever fancied any of your online friends? Sure.
  7. List your best friends alphabetically You wouldn't know them anyway..
  8. What's your favourite part of your own body? Lips ;)
  9. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)? Hands
  10. What's the most annoying thing about men? Literal-mindedness
  11. What's the most annoying thing about women? Jealousy
  12. Have you cried this year? What am I, some kind of robot? Of course I've cried.
  13. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? Usually cats, since one is generally standing on me when I wake up
  14. Have you ever smoked? Nope
  15. Have you ever done drugs? I suppose I have to answer yes to that since you didn't specify the type of drugs..
  16. Have you seen a UFO? No
  17. Have you seen a ghost? Yes
  18. What's on your mouse mat? Nothing, but you're only the second person I've ever heard use the term "mouse mat". I find it amusing.
  19. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes, a Siamese cat who is stuffed because she eats too much!
  20. Are storms scary or cool? Scary!
  21. What's your favourite colour? Purple, I suppose, but it's hard to pick just one
  22. What's your favourite food? Again, impossible to pick one. I love to cook and eat tons of things.
  23. What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)? Wine, and water
  24. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yes, but only cooked
  25. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? I don't know
  26. Which book are you reading at the moment? re-reading Harry Potter before I go to the movie
  27. What's your favourite book? Too many
  28. Do you prefer cats or dogs? Cats cats cats
  29. Which phrase do you overuse?I really don't have one
  30. What's the one thing you most dislike about people? Stupidity
  1. Where were you born? Pfrozeim Germany
  2. Where do you live now? Frankston, Vic, Australia
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yup, and She's bewdiful.
  4. Which one song best describes the current state of your love life? Hmmm... Live - All over you.
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Most definately
  6. Have you ever fancied any of your online friends? A couple. Been out with 2out of 4 of them
  7. List your best friends alphabetically Alphabetically? Screw that! Jason, Byron, Peter, Lacy, Dave, Daniel, Malcom, Anthony, Grover, Erin, Amanda, Amy, etc... Only few of them are real friends though
  8. What's your favourite part of your own body? My dextrous hands, giving me a typing speed of currently 76 words per minute and 97% accurace/b]
    [*] What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)? Their eyes
    [*] What's the most annoying thing about men? No idea. I don't analyse other guys in that detail.
    [*] What's the most annoying thing about women? They can't take a damned hint that we like them, unless we make it **** obvious!
    [*] Have you cried this year? Yah.
    [*] What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? Well, yesterday, it was "Owww, my head" and today it was SHYEEET! Something's burning!!!!!!!!
    [*] Have you ever smoked? Nup, not stupid enuf
    [*] Have you ever done drugs? I repeat, Nup, not stupid enuf
    [*] Have you seen a UFO? Only alcohollically induced ones
    [*] Have you seen a ghost? likewise
    [*] What's on your mouse mat? A mouse ;) Nah, who needs a mousemat, when your mouse works with a digital camera?
    [*] Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? NEVER insult my girlfriend like that again!
    [*] Are storms scary or cool? Do you know how much electrical power is displayed in the static discharge of a lightning storm?
    [*] What's your favourite colour? Purple!!
    [*] What's your favourite food? Grilled cheese on toast... Yuuuuuuuummy
    [*] What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)? Alcoholic: Tequila Non Alcoholic: Why, coke of course!
    [*] Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Only if they're cooked with the rest of it.
    [*] If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? I don't need a wish like this. I meet people frequently.
    [*] Which book are you reading at the moment? Eon, be Greg Bear
    [*] What's your favourite book? Protector, by Larry Niven
    [*] Do you prefer cats or dogs? Katz, err... Cats
    [*] Which phrase do you overuse? Go on! Say it! F**k! (Don't ask, I *was* drunk
    [*] What's the one thing you most dislike about people? Conformity
Originally posted by dajeil
OK, this is my attempt to find out as much as possible about you all. Answer as many of the questions as you dare!

  1. Where were you born? NJ
  2. Where do you live now? NJ
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes
  4. Which one song best describes the current state of your love life? Can't think of anything
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight? No
  6. Have you ever fancied any of your online friends? Not romantically
  7. List your best friends alphabetically Rather not- this is the internet after all
  8. What's your favourite part of your own body? My face I guess
  9. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)? Eyes
  10. What's the most annoying thing about men? When they stare at us or whistle instead of just speaking
  11. What's the most annoying thing about women? When they are "catty"
  12. Have you cried this year? Of course
  13. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? Hitting the snooze
  14. Have you ever smoked? Yep
  15. Have you ever done drugs? Yep
  16. Have you seen a UFO? No
  17. Have you seen a ghost? I thought I did once, but who knows if it really was?
  18. What's on your mouse mat? Bullseye
  19. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? I did when I first moved- a teddy bear
  20. Are storms scary or cool? Cool
  21. What's your favourite colour? Blue
  22. What's your favourite food? Ice Cream!
  23. What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)? Red Wine and cranberry juice
  24. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? No
  25. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? My great-grandmother
  26. Which book are you reading at the moment? Various college books
  27. What's your favourite book? N/A
  28. Do you prefer cats or dogs? Cats
  29. Which phrase do you overuse? "it's like"
  30. What's the one thing you most dislike about people? When they are not sincere

Where were you born?

Shifnal, Shropshire, England

Where do you live now?

Nottinghamshire, England

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?


Which one song best describes the current state of your love life?

Urgh - will get back to you on that.... Furiously tries to think of song titles that fit

Do you believe in love at first sight?


Have you ever fancied any of your online friends?


List your best friends alphabetically

Jacq, Lee, Mel, Nic

What's your favourite part of your own body?

Do I have to have one?

What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)?


What's the most annoying thing about men?

They always think they're better than everyone at everything.

What's the most annoying thing about women?

They always answer the seven questions you DIDN'T ask, and misinterpret EVERYTHING to be a dig at them.

Have you cried this year?

Yes. More than I'd like.

What's the first thing you think of when you wake up?

Different every day... OK, I lied. Sex.

Have you ever smoked?


Have you ever done drugs?

Unless weed counts, no.

Have you seen a UFO?

A what?

Have you seen a ghost?

No, but I wish I had.

What's on your mouse mat?

A flower

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Nope... I will not make funny quips I will not make funny quips I will not make funny quips I will not make funny quips

Are storms scary or cool?


What's your favourite colour?

Blue.... Green?

What's your favourite food?


What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)?

Real coffee, and English Bitter or Irish Guinness, depending where I am

Do you eat the stems of broccoli?


If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

Ayrton Senna da Silva

Which book are you reading at the moment?

Pride and Prejudice, and Excession (yes, STILL... *sigh*)

What's your favourite book?

Steven Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - ok it's a series, but tough.

Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Dogs... Cats... no, definitely Dogs... errrrrrmmmmm pass?

Which phrase do you overuse?


What's the one thing you most dislike about people?

They are TERRIBLE drivers... and they NEVER follow MY plan for how things should be :(
Originally posted by dajeil
OK, this is my attempt to find out as much as possible about you all. Answer as many of the questions as you dare!

  1. Where were you born? Buffalo, NY
  2. Where do you live now? Boston, MA
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
  4. Which one song best describes the current state of your love life? hmm... I can't really think of one.
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Maybe??
  6. Have you ever fancied any of your online friends? not really
  7. List your best friends alphabetically
  8. What's your favourite part of your own body? don't have one. favorite part that is, I do have a body.
  9. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)? [/B]Their smile and belly[/B]
  10. What's the most annoying thing about men?
  11. What's the most annoying thing about women?
  12. Have you cried this year? not that I recall
  13. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? snooze button
  14. Have you ever smoked? nope
  15. Have you ever done drugs? yes
    [*]Have you seen a UFO? no
    [*]Have you seen a ghost? no
    [*]What's on your mouse mat? the color blue
    [*]Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
    [*]Are storms scary or cool? cool
    [*]What's your favourite colour?green
    [*]What's your favourite food? hot chicken finger sub
    [*]What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)? alcoholic: Caffrey's or Vodka and Tea, non-alcoholic: Squirt or Coke
    [*]Do you eat the stems of broccoli? no
    [*]If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? My Grandfather
    [*]Which book are you reading at the moment? Just finished re-reading "The Lord of the Rings"
    [*]What's your favourite book?
    [*]Do you prefer cats or dogs? dogs
    [*]Which phrase do you overuse? like
    [*]What's the one thing you most dislike about people? Their dislike/mistrust of people who are different
Originally posted by dajeil
What's your favourite food? peppers. I think thats capsicums to you Yanks

I think we call them peppers as well. At least I've never heard of capsicums. :)

Originally posted by raffiki
Nope... I will not make funny quips I will not make funny quips I will not make funny quips I will not make funny quips

YoubetternotYoubetternotYoubetternotYoubetternotYoubetternot :)
Where were you born? new jersey
Where do you live now? new jersey
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? none that i know about.
Which one song best describes the current state of your love life? what?
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
Have you ever fancied any of your online friends? no
List your best friends alphabetically di, mo
What's your favourite part of your own body? tummy
What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)? hiney :D
What's the most annoying thing about men? immaturately
What's the most annoying thing about women? cattyness
Have you cried this year? yes'm
What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? that i have to clean my sceevy house.
Have you ever smoked? yes
Have you ever done drugs? no
Have you seen a UFO? maybe
Have you seen a ghost? no
what's on your mouse mat? crumbs
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? puleeze
Are storms scary or cool? kewl
What's your favourite colour? green or black
What's your favourite food? d'oh
What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)? tea and those smirnoff ice wine cooler-type things (although lately they haven't been giving me the buzz that they used too)
Do you eat the stems of broccoli? eep
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? ethan hawke would be nice
Which book are you reading at the moment? none
What's your favourite book? bridges over madison county was good
Do you prefer cats or dogs? dogs
Which phrase do you overuse? bearing that in mind ...
What's the one thing you most dislike about people? people who stress over tiny, dumb things and people who suck all the joy out of their own lives and others.
Originally posted by dajeil
OK, this is my attempt to find out as much as possible about you all. Answer as many of the questions as you dare!

  1. Where were you born? CT
  2. Where do you live now? CT
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? married 7 years
  4. Which one song best describes the current state of your love life? Built to Last
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
  6. Have you ever fancied any of your online friends? no
  7. List your best friends alphabetically uh.......
  8. What's your favourite part of your own body? feet
  9. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)? eyes
  10. What's the most annoying thing about men? they're men! lol
  11. What's the most annoying thing about women? too gossipy
  12. Have you cried this year? yes
  13. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? Do I really have to wake up
  14. Have you ever smoked? yes
  15. Have you ever done drugs?
  16. Have you seen a UFO? yes
  17. Have you seen a ghost? I think so
  18. What's on your mouse mat?a picture my daughter drew of a seascape
  19. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
  20. Are storms scary or cool? awesome
  21. What's your favourite colour? purple
  22. What's your favourite food? chocalate cream pie
  23. What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)? captain morgan and coke, lemonade
  24. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? ewwwww
  25. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? Tom Petty
  26. Which book are you reading at the moment? none
  27. What's your favourite book?
  28. Do you prefer cats or dogs? lizards
  29. Which phrase do you overuse? whatever
  30. What's the one thing you most dislike about people?
Where were you born?

Geelong, Australia

Where do you live now?

Torquay, Australia

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?


Which one song best describes the current state of your love life?

Can We Fix It by Bob The Builder

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Nuh uh.

Have you ever fancied any of your online friends?


List your best friends alphabetically

Haz, Jo, Lacy, Loky, Nat, Sal

What's your favourite part of your own body?

um, my brain

What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)?

the face

What's the most annoying thing about men?

um, nothing. we rule. ;)

What's the most annoying thing about women?

those who think it's their god-given right to be the ****iest they can possibly be

Have you cried this year?


What's the first thing you think of when you wake up?

ah. i'm awake.

Have you ever smoked?


Have you ever done drugs?


Have you seen a UFO?


Have you seen a ghost?


What's on your mouse mat?

my ISP's logo

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?


Are storms scary or cool?


What's your favourite colour?


What's your favourite food?

spaghetti bolognaise

What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)?

creamy soda

Do you eat the stems of broccoli?


If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

There's a few...Nelson Mandela, Xanana Gusmao, Quentin Kenihan...if I had to meet one of the three, I'd probably go for the latter..

Which book are you reading at the moment?

i'm not..

What's your favourite book?

Winter by John Marsden

Do you prefer cats or dogs?


Which phrase do you overuse?

both 'pfffff' and 'bah'

What's the one thing you most dislike about people?

Originally posted by PsychoticIckyThing
What's the most annoying thing about women?

those who think it's their god-given right to be the ****iest they can possibly be

i didn't realize you had such a problem with me! :lol:
Where were you born? - NY

Where do you live now? - NY

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? - YEP!! ALIEN'S MY MAN!! :inlove:

Which one song best describes the current state of your love life? - Hard to say. There are a few songs that describe pieces of how I feel. Some also describe special moments...so I can't be specific.

Do you believe in love at first sight? - Not really, but if the person is your soul mate, your body will tell you at first sight or VERY early on.

Have you ever fancied any of your online friends? - Yes

List your best friends alphabetically - Do I have to? :tongue:

What's your favourite part of your own body? - My eyes

What's your favourite part of the opposite sex (same sex if that's your orientation)? - Their eyes and smile

What's the most annoying thing about men? - Unwillingness to talk about it.

What's the most annoying thing about women? - Not being straight with me.

Have you cried this year? - Yes

What's the first thing you think of when you wake up? - ****!!

Have you ever smoked? - NEVER

Have you ever done drugs? - Does medicine count? otherwise NEVER

Have you seen a UFO? - Maybe

Have you seen a ghost? - Maybe

What's on your mouse mat? - Probably another mouse pad since I collected them but don't really use tham since I have a trackball mouse.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? - Sometimes. Especially after they eat ;)

Are storms scary or cool? - Scary

What's your favourite colour? - Dark green, metallic colors, pastel colors.

What's your favourite food? - Tiramisu

What's you favourite drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)? - Coka cola, I don't drink alcohol.

Do you eat the stems of broccoli? - When they are cooked

If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? - Dunno.

Which book are you reading at the moment? - None

What's your favourite book? - Dean Koontz - Lightening (if I have to pick one that is)

Do you prefer cats or dogs? - I LOVE MY DOGGIES!!!!!!!

Which phrase do you overuse? - Somethinglikethat and I'm sorry!

What's the one thing you most dislike about people? - Selfishness, Self-centeredness, Thoughtless, Cannot appreciate the good stuff they DO have. (Sorry, more than one thing but I couldn't pick)
Originally posted by raffiki
What's a hiney? :bgrin: <---- note dunces hat!

It's a BUTT! :D

and look! we have a real dunce smiley too!!! :dunce:
Originally posted by Lysithea
Do you eat the stems of broccoli? - When they are cooked

A few people have said that. Who on earth would try and eat them RAW??????? :rolleyes:

I may be a teacher, but I'm not a sadist ....