- Position(s) available moderators (up top 4) admin (up to 1) packager (up to 8)
- Payment type BP (not here)
- Forum link http://ffon.byethost7.com/phpBB3/index.php
- Perks of being staff 40 Bp here every month and 160 bp in there every month (buacon pieces)
- Why you need staff? to hlep me out with the forums
i'm rennewing some forums if you are intrestrested in helpiing me Send me a pm with your informations:
- Payment type BP (not here)
- Forum link http://ffon.byethost7.com/phpBB3/index.php
- Perks of being staff 40 Bp here every month and 160 bp in there every month (buacon pieces)
- Why you need staff? to hlep me out with the forums
i'm rennewing some forums if you are intrestrested in helpiing me Send me a pm with your informations:
[b]any other information:[/b]