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Fifth-Graders Murder Plot Diverted by Classmates in Washington


Part Of The Furniture
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I just heard about two fifth-graders (ten & eleven years old boys) in Washington state trying to kill a fellow female classmate because they found her annoying. They have everything plan down to all the detail. It really sends chill down my spine.


Shocking news of two fifth graders plotting to murder a fellow student and others made headlines as details emerged Thursday.

The two boys are students of Fort Colville Elementary School and allegedly plotted to kill a girl in their class and intended to harm other students as well, according to court documents released Wednesday.

The pair had stolen a semi-automatic gun, an ammunition clip and a knife to use in their plan. They were arrested and taken into custody February 7 after authorities discovered the weapons in one of the boy's backpack.

The boys are expected to be charged in juvenile court with conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, possession of a firearm and witness tampering for allegedly bringing a stolen gun and a knife to school and threatening to kill a number of classmates.

"These young men conspired to kill," said Stevens County Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen. "It was interrupted by the bravery of a fourth grader who saw something and said something ... and interrupted a murder."

Colville School District Superintendent Michael Cashion said the plot was discovered before school started Thursday.

"We've been told that the boys had a plan to kill an ex-girlfriend ... and harm other students," Cashion said. "There was no list, but names were given to the police."

"I can't get my mind around it," he said.

The judge set a hearing for February 20 to discover whether the boys had the capacity to form criminal intent, according to Deputy Stevens County Prosecutor Lech Radzimski.

Colville fifth-grader allegedly talked of revenge after arrest

Even after their arrest, two Colville fifth-graders suspected of sneaking a gun and knife to school as part of a plot to kill fellow classmates at recess last week continued to discuss murderous plans for whoever tipped authorities, new documents allege.

“If I find out who told them about our weapons I’m going to kill them,†one of the boys was overheard by a police detective saying to the other as they waited for transport to a juvenile detention facility in Spokane. “I don’t care when I get out of jail I’m going to come back and kill them.â€

The exchange is detailed in court documents released Wednesday that also include chilling new details about the level of alleged planning by the boys, ages 10 and 11, who remain in custody. They face charges of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, tampering with a witness and conspiracy to possess a firearm after they were arrested last Thursday before school started.

Under Washington law, children ages 8 to 12 are presumed not to have the mental capacity to form the intent to commit crime.

However, Deputy Stevens County Prosecutor Lech Radzimski will present the court records to a judge on Feb. 20 to try to show why law enforcement officials believe they have enough evidence to overcome that presumption.

Authorities discovered the purported plan when a fourth-grader came forward and told a school employee. Colville police officers then arrived at Fort Colville Elementary School and began questioning the boys, who admitted the plot and gave details about how they were going to kill a girl in their class, according to court records. As many as six other classmates also were allegedly marked for death, and the plan included shooting anyone who tried to stop them.

The grandmother of the 11-year-old declined comment and the parents of the 10-year-old did not return a phone call placed late Wednesday to their home.

But concerned parents and community members packed the auditorium of Colville High School Wednesday evening at a meeting hosted by the school district.

Some parents said it took up to four hours after the incident for them to be alerted to the issue. “In the event something did happen,†said one, “I would want to be informed a lot sooner.â€

Several parents asked if it would be possible to arm teachers, since it takes time for law enforcement to arrive.

One said the state is looking at a law which would allow teachers to carry concealed weapons and asked Superintendent Michael Cashion if he would entertain that idea.

“Yes, I would entertain it as an option,†Cashion said, but warned that professionals that teach children may not want to go through extensive training to “level a weapon at a fifth-grader and shoot them.â€

Another parent thanked the district for their actions in the incident.

“Hats off to them,†she said. “We’re not attending any funerals this week. I get to kiss my daughter goodnight every night.â€

Last week, school staff found a .45-caliber pistol, a full ammunition clip and a knife in one of the boys’ backpacks after being tipped by another student to the possibility that the boys were armed.

A staff member, Debbie Rogers, asked the 10-year-old why he had the gun. The boy said he and the 11-year-old were going to “get†a girl identified in court documents only by initials.

“When asked what he meant by ‘get’ her, (the 10-year-old) responded that he and (the 11-year-old) were going to get (the girl) away from the school and do her in,†court records state. The 10-year-old “further stated that the (11-year-old) was going to stab (the girl) with a knife and (the 10-year-old) was supposed to keep everyone away.â€

The 10-year-old “admitted to Ms. Rogers that there were other students that he and (the 11-year-old) wanted to kill and they had been planning this for a while.â€

Rogers then spoke with the 11-year-old, and he told essentially the same story, saying that he and the other suspect wanted to kill the girl “because she was really annoying,†court records state. “I was going to kill her with the knife and (the 10-year-old) was supposed to use the gun to keep anyone from trying to stop me or mess up our plan.â€

Rogers then obtained a list of students in their fifth-grade class, and the 11-year-old allegedly showed her six more names of students they were going to target.

Asked about his relationship with the girl, the 11-year-old said that he had been friends with her for several months “but that he hated her now,†Officer Scott Arms wrote. “He also indicated that (the girl) had recently become rude and would pick on him.â€

The younger boy said he had been in a “short dating relationship†with the girl but would not give any specifics. He admitted bringing the gun and knife to school: “It was going to go down today,†he said, according to the documents.

The 10-year-old explained that he stole the gun from his older brother. Interviews with the brother revealed that he had stolen the handgun from his late grandfather’s home a few months ago.

The brother “said that he kept the firearm in his bedroom and that his brother must have found his hidden key and removed the case and the gun,†Detective Ron Maxey wrote in court documents.

According to the court records, when Arms asked the 10-year-old if he knew what he was planning was dangerous and against the law, the boy replied: “Yes, I justwanted her dead.â€

What the hell are we going to do about this?!
This made my whole body get goosebumps! This could be my daughters!
Why are all these kids flipping out and their first thought is to kill? (my personal thought is that kids don't know how to lose these days...can't handle disappointment...as a big part of it)
I saw this yesterday..............my baby boy is the same age and I couldn't FATHOM him ever having a thought like this in his head.............makes you wonder what their home lives are like.

So glad they found out in time! Now the question is, what are they going to do with these boys? They're still just little kids who really have no idea what they were doing.
Not just the boys, but their parents belong in jail as well.

Responsible gun owners, my eye.

No way in hell should children be able to get their hands on guns, let alone mentally disturbed children having access to weapons.
This is just appalling. They are babies themselves. How have they grown up thinking the answer is death?

Sending our children to school should not be terrifying. We should not have to worry every day that something could happen.
Excuse me.?.....Everyone has guns, don't they? Don't have to buy them. Just ask 'someone', and ....wah, lah! There you go.

:shame: pathetic: :discusting: :etc:...get my point?
Oh wait...... there is a kid skateboarding on the street in front of our house. This is a 55+ community. I think I'll blow him away.
Does anyone have a 'problem' with me doing this?


Now the question is, what are they going to do with these boys? They're still just little kids who really have no idea what they were doing.

Any ideas?

These children have obviously been failed.
GUNS KILL. Period.

A gun is just a piece of metal................who buys them and doesn't use them correctly and lets them get into the wrong hands, kills.
I don't know about kids that have been failed.

In DS' fifth grade class two boys were expelled for plotting to kill the teacher. I don't know all the details as the school and teacher etc...weren't allowed to talk about it due to the young age of the kids. (I don't believe charges were pressed or more details would be known). BUT, I was told that they had brought something to tie her up with and had VERY specific plans on how they were going to do it.

I don't know what to do with that kind of information.

Is 11 really too young to know what you are doing? I don't think so. Do we throw away boys ready to kill a woman at 11 or 12? OR do we wring our hands when a man of 32 is found to have killed a woman and it comes out that there was a plan in 5th grade to kill the teacher??!?

Are some people born more evil and capable of evil than others? Or are we all equally innocent and equally capable if not led right?
Guns are just a piece of metal made for one purpose.


oh, no, wait...they are made to kill. Whether it be to kill animals for food, man for protection, or any other purpose....they are MADE for killing.

They serve no other purpose.
Not just the boys, but their parents belong in jail as well.

Responsible gun owners, my eye.

No way in hell should children be able to get their hands on guns, let alone mentally disturbed children having access to weapons.

How are you linking the parents to the gun?

The article states that the kid took it from his older brother who stole the gun months ago.
yup...blame the parents

really? a "girl friend" at ten years old?

I remember having a boyfriend in third grade when I was 8.

That was in 1977.

Don't think I EVER saw that kid (don't remember old what'shisnames name)...outside school and playground.

I lived in Tennessee and had the same bf through 5th and some of 6th grade. (this one I saw outside of school a few times).

"girfriend" in 5th grade doesn't mean the same as girlfriend in your 30s.

AND to clarify where I stand on this....I have discouraged ALL my chidren from casual dating and "boyfriend/girlfriend" relationships all their not adult lives. For religious reasons and for personal reasons.

I think it is bad for your adult mature REAL relationship having given your heart away and experienced those heartaches as children and adolescents.
Oh, and the article also states that their plan was to use the knife to kill her. The gun was to keep others away.
Wow...the minds of kids.

Ummmm....kill her with a knife and use the gun to keep others away.

then what kids?!?!?!? You go to jail? You destroy unfathomable amounts of lives??? (their own parents and siblings, the girl's parents and siblings, exteded families, the people that watched a classmate get murdered while "held back" by a gun)??

Definately not masterminds. And definately had no thoughts that they were going to "get away" with it. (other than perhaps be successful at it)

not sure if that is better....but maybe???
How are you linking the parents to the gun?

The article states that the kid took it from his older brother who stole the gun months ago.
How did the older brother get a gun? How was he able to keep & conceal a gun from the parents for months? Throw the older brother in jail with the 2 boys and their parents.

Zero tolerance for this crap.

Zero tolerance for parents of mentally disturbed children who are not seeking treatment for their minor children and allow guns to fall into their hands.

No way these 2 boys weren't exhibiting disturbing behavior at home. They even discussed going after whomever turned them in to the police, while they were still in the police station.

Even after their arrest, two Colville fifth-graders suspected of sneaking a gun and knife to school as part of a plot to kill fellow classmates at recess last week continued to discuss murderous plans for whoever tipped authorities, new documents allege.

“If I find out who told them about our weapons I’m going to kill them,” one of the boys was overheard by a police detective saying to the other as they waited for transport to a juvenile detention facility in Spokane. “I don’t care when I get out of jail I’m going to come back and kill them.”
The older brother stole the gun from his late Granfathers house, FYI. Very disturbing all around.