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Fired by Text Message


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LONDON -- Katy Tanner's cellphone beeped with a startling message: ``you're fired.''
The 21-year-old Tanner had a migraine headache and took a sick day last week from her job at Blue Banana, a chain body-piercing studio in Cardiff, Wales.

She turned on her cellphone the next day to discover she'd been terminated from her sales position.

The message said her sales figures were not good enough.

Ian Bisbie, a Blue Banana director, said the company does not usually fire employees by text message.

But he says they had no alternative after phoning Tanner five or six times and calling her boyfriend.

The company also defended the sacking-by-text message as a way to keep modern.
Bisbie says it spared Tanner ``the embarrassment and expense of coming into the store only to be sent straight home again.''

Tanner says the text firing was unfair and it should have been done face to face.
Are you kidding me? I can not believe that someone would fire someone by text message.
it spared Tanner ``the embarrassment and expense of coming into the store only to be sent straight home again.''

As if! It spared them from having to grow the balls to fire her to her face. I think it is terrible that it is perferred to deal with people through machines rather than face-to-face conversation or confrontation.
Be it a situation of balls or not, I'd prefer not to have to do "the walk of shame" where you come in, go to the office... gather your crap and leave.

I think this is actually a good way to do it.
No, I think that's incredibly lame. She didn't even get the chance to tell anybody off.
I agree with Slack. Text the employee and make arrangement for the fired person to retrieve his/her personal belongings when there are few people in the office.

Just because they text messaged her doesn't mean that she couldn't go into the office for a face to face if she wanted to put her two cents in about the company's decision.
I still think they should do it to the persons face, they are still cowards for doing it like that.
It's a freaking body peircing studio! What does she expect? A severence package?

And of course the media is really only showing the one side of the story and only quoted the opposing side once.

Either way maybe she should get over herself and find a new job and I have worked many days with a head splitting gut wrenching migraine that caused me to want to be shot to get it done with.

And the text message, what did she want them to do, come to her doorstep? Companies do it in email so why the heck not do it in text message? People want to get with the times but only when it's convenient for them and no one else.

I would have done it in person, but I work in a much different field where people have tact and respect for eachother.
imagineer1 said:
No, I think that's incredibly lame. She didn't even get the chance to tell anybody off.

No but the company did get their name in the paper even though her intention was to smear their name. Bad publicity is still publicity and they didn't have to pay for this 'advertisement'. I bet their sales go up now atleast for a little bit and she ends up finding that her plan didn't work how she expected.
Lil Bit said:

No but the company did get their name in the paper even though her intention was to smear their name. Bad publicity is still publicity and they didn't have to pay for this 'advertisement'. I bet their sales go up now atleast for a little bit and she ends up finding that her plan didn't work how she expected.

Smart thinking;bad publicity will definately get them more business and they don't have to pay advertising.:thumbsup: