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Full Moon! Really???


Expert Talker
PF Member
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This is the first time EVER that a full moon has been uneventful for me.
It usually starts roughly 2 days before and builds to a crescendo on the actual full moon and then takes another 2 days to settle down again.
I've spent a lot of years working in bars and I could ALWAYS tell it was a full moon by the crazies and their antics, not by the calendar. We (staff) would always get part way through the night and ask each other, " Is it a full moon?", then get home and check the calendar and sure enough it would either be a full moon or on the cusp.
But this is the first time ever that nothing at all has happened. The universe must be broken or experiencing its own form of global warming.
Anyone else have a full moon story or lack of?
I have to agree, really uneventful weekend so far but Saturday nigh not done yet. I'll check in on Sunday morning to see how things might have changed, or not!
was Def a bad moon rising for DH and myself....everything from equipment breakdowns, closed roads, health issues to missing money....not a good moon risiing by any means....just curious....what sign are those with vs without a good/bad moon? might be fun to look into.....just list sign and good bad or nothing
Maybe your full moon effects were negated by the recent record size solar flare which is currently enveloping us?

On the other hand, maybe the bartenders are simply watering down the drinks?
Nope. Plenty of drunks. Just not unruly ones... Aha! I have it! The bartenders were probably spiking them with valium! LOL
Have you also noticed a corresponding increase in tie-dye clothing?