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Man accused of beating woman with cheeseburgers
October 25, 2000 at 05:41:42

(Elyria, Ohio-AP) -- An Ohio woman is accusing her ex-boyfriend of assault -- with a bag of cheeseburgers.

Carla Restifo is suing Ken Carney for 25-thousand dollars. Carney is already facing a trial next week on a domestic violence charge. Restifo says he struck her with is fist, as well as the burgers.

Carney, who is the Lorain County engineer, denies any wrongdoing.

(Copyright 2000 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

I think I'd be embarrassed to admit I was beaten with a bag of cheeseburgers roflmao

News item #2:NYC artist causes concern with plan for "cheese house" October 25, 2000 at 06:30:02(Powell, Wyoming-AP) -- A New York artist who plans to dribble up to ten thousand pounds of melted cheese on a vacant house in Wyoming is already getting a reaction over his artwork. However the neighbors worry the cheese art could cause health problems. The artist - Cosimo Cavallaro - is happy he's getting a reaction, even if it's negative. Cavallaro says he is not put off by the worries. He plans to launch the project sometime before Thanksgiving, most likely with Velveeta. He said he chose Wyoming because he liked the sound of it. He settled on Powell, a northwestern town of 5,300 people. Mayor Jim Milburn said the city has addressed disposal and zoning concerns for the project. The city also checked with the owner of a New York hotel where Cavallaro once drape an entire room in cheese, attracting international media attention. (Copyright 2000 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

What's the deal with cheeeeese?

"No man can be condemed for owning a dog.
As long as he has a dog, he has a friend;
and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has."

- Will Rogers

Loyalty and love are the best things of all, and surely the most lasting. -- My Dog Skip
I saw the cheeseburger thing on a Cleveland-area news website, and apparently this woman ended up with a black eye!

That must have been a big bag o' burgers!
Taz...cheesy...very cheesy...



Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
Hamburgler: "Give me your money, or I'll cheeseburger the woman!!"


Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
I like cheese

Alien - "Sh*t. I swallowed Yoda! ...Don't quote me on that."

if your angry at someone, why would you even CONSIDER bludgeoning them with a bag of CHEESEBURGERS!?

. . .

thats so unkosher. would have been better had they been just hamburgers
Assault With Cheeseburgers No Laughing Matter

Lorain County Official Faces Lawsuit

ELYRIA, Ohio, Updated 8:22 a.m. EDT October 26, 2000 -- A Lorain County official was in hot water Wednesday, but it had nothing to do with his job.

NewsChannel5's Debora Lee reports that he's accused of assault -- with a cheeseburger -- and although the charge may sound funny, it could have serious ramifications.

Lorain County engineer Kenneth Carney has been slapped with a $25,000 lawsuit accusing him of assaulting his girlfriend with a telephone, his fist and a bag of cheeseburgers.

Now many people around the community are talking.

"I'm sure he didn't just say, 'Come here, baby,' and (flop) a bag of cheeseburgers on her eye," one Lorain County resident said.

Others agree that the matter is serious.

"It doesn't matter what it is -- cheeseburgers or a water balloon, cups or a frying pan -- if he hit her with something, he's wrong," another resident said.

Each year, domestic violence claims the lives of about 4,000 women. Twenty have died in the past 11 years in Lorain County alone, WEWS reports.

Marilyn Zeidner, executive director of the Genesis House Domestic Violence Shelter, said that batterers are usually possessive and jealous and use anger to get what they want. Often they are abusive to animals, and they want to make commitments and life changes, such as having children, in a hurry.

"The victim sometimes feels this is someone who pays a lot of attention to her, listens to her, notices things about her, wants to be with her all the time and is very attentive, and then gradually that attentiveness turns to possessiveness and jealousy," Zeidner said.

Zeidner said that domestic violence is about power and control, but the good news is that help is available.

Victims of domestic violence can get help by calling the National Domestic Violence hotline at (800) 799-7233.

Carney was unavailable for comment Wednesday. However, he did tell police when the cheeseburger incident occurred in March that he did not strike the woman and didn't know how she injured her eye.