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GameCube 2 ANNOUNCED!!! and other news from Nintendo @ E3


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GameCube 2 Announced
Nintendo made a brief comment in regards to the development of the GameCube 2. They claimed that they are now a company that is focused on taking risks, and that they are already well into working on a "GameCube 2." They also promised that this time no one will have a head start on the company; we assume they mean that they will be first to market or at least launch at the same time as the competition. They claim that next generation they will do it "their way."

Nintendo not worried about Playstation Portable
The press event continues with some Q & A from Nintendo. Sony just had their conference and they announced their entry into the handheld market with the PSP (PlayStation Portable). Nintendo says it's not worried at all.

Q: With the announcement of the PSP, what will GBA have to do to hold the market?

A: We just heard the announcement, and their launch date is Q4 2004 with no price point yet. It seems very Sony-like to me. Nintendo is in control of the handheld market, so we're not worrying about it. We'll just keep on innovating in games.

Q: If Nintendo pursues its current strategy, are you comfortable with where you are or do you want to be the leader?

A: The more our competitors move away from gaming, the stronger we will get for sticking with pure gaming.

Some games that were announced include Pokemon Collisseum, Pokemon Channel: Together with Pikachu, Mario Party 5, Pac Man, and it's rumored that The Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords may be making its way to GameCube...
Gamecube 2!!!! Got me very happy mate. can't wait till it comes out. the others will never catch up!;)
i never was a fan of nintendo's ever since i blew up my SNES. i still went and bought a new one but since then they havnt even earned 10% of the console market pie. how can someone like nintendo hold back the all mighty SONY and MICROSOFT??

it will never happen fair enough any new console to be released is a big thing and yes i admit i cant wait till it does only because i like to [rove everyone wrong about nintendo or for me to be AMAZED by it and then having to spend my hard earned cash to go and buy one..!
Originally posted by jacko
i never was a fan of nintendo's ever since i blew up my SNES. i still went and bought a new one but since then they havnt even earned 10% of the console market pie. how can someone like nintendo hold back the all mighty SONY and MICROSOFT??

you've got to be kidding me..... you think nintendo doesn't even have 10%?! 0_o
First of all PSP, sounds like a medical term for penis infection or something. hehe.
Anyway, playstationhas gotta have something really really new and orginal with this portable handheld thing or GBA is just going to eat it up and spit it up, why would you even dare to go aganist the might wrath of the Game Boy. My guess is that its going to be something that you kind of use as a memory card like the VMU for the dreamcast or just basically with the system somehow, nothing really that can stand strong alone.

And GAMECUBE 2, where are all those haters who thought nintendo is not making another system. All I have to say is nintendo's time is coming again, the king will reign again, the days of the snes will return. (I really sound like a fan boy don't I)

<<buster is run over by car for being a fanboy>>
<< law passed banning all fanboys, and if one is found, will be killed in anyway neccessary>>


The Legend of Zelda: Tetra's Trackers has been announced in development for Gamecube. There will also be screenshots of the game that will be released later this evening.
holy crap = thats awesome! - ill keep an eye out...and post them if i see them/have time
Once again Nintendo wins my vote for next sequel. And here I thought I'd have to go and get a PS3. :rollseyes

I particularly liked the statement that they're going to do things their way. Nintendo and their bad self. ;p

Buster: This doesn't mean I'm going to be beaten for being a Nintendo fanboy is it? I need to live long enough to play the Gamecube 2!!!
I've always been a Nintendo fan but I simply disliked GC. Hopefully GC2 will win the old fans over; after all, Nintendo has the power, they just aren't using it right in my opinion.
How could someone dislike the GameCube? It's got a nice, small design; a great selection of games, and the best peripherals around...there's nothing to be hated about it!
Ziroi: Your going to be hanged by your ankles and then whipped with the gamecube controler cords. And then they'll pour burning acid on you. And finsh you off by throwing you in a burning hole wth burning gamecubes all around you.

All I can say is that there not my rules.

sorry man.

<<ziroi sqeels in anguish as they pour the boiling acid on him>>
Buster, it would help if you stayed on topic.

The announcement of the GameCube 2 may have been a good thing, but it's also a bad thing. They announced it WAY too early after the GameCube's launch, because now, GameCube won't sell as good, because people know that a new console is coming soon. They'll be expecting it soon, and they won't buy a GameCube.
Oh Crap! Tetra's Trackers is like a party game. It's a multi player game. For more information regarding this news visit gaming sites such as IGN, Gamespot, etc.

It's an alright idea but Zelda is known for it's adventure. This game seems to be similar to Treasure Hunt except you're looking for pirates. (lol). -_-
Yeah; and The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords for GameCube is only 16 bits! They should have made it like Wind Waker!!!
What I don't like about Four Swords is apparently you have to have a GBA to play it. Well that's nice and all, but I don't own a handheld, and I don't plan on owning one. It's one thing I don't like about Nintendo and uh, marketing itself. Forcing you to buy other products to use other products!

Anyway, Gamecube2. It'll be delayed at least 6 months from their projected date. And then Nintendo will find an excuse to delay it another 3 months. The PS3 and Xbox Next will likewise produce the same delays. I think I've got plenty of time to enjoy my Gamecube before the next-next gen console comes out. I'm happy of course that it's coming, but like cP said, it may have been too early to announce.
I played MLB Slugfest 20-04 on GC. Its got great graphics in a very compact package, although I got scared when I held the small disk that I would break it. I still have not "jumped the gun" on PS2, GC, or XBOX, but I am really waiting for PS3 and now GC2. :lol: