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Games you play with enjoyable PvP!


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Hi everyone!
As we gamers know, especially us RPG/MMORPG players, There's always a lot of fun interaction between us many players, usually through helping others in co-ops, making really cool and popular high ranking Covenants (or in some other games, Clans, Groups, Leagues, teams, etc), Trading, cool little economies, all of it is so much to add to the experience, especially with great friends!

But, that's not what we're going to talk about here. Here we are going to share the most love-hate relationship aspect in many games we play called; PvP.

So, I guess I'll start off. Now I can go hours on ends, telling my Experiences, but for now, I'm only going to start one!

Try to model your templates like this, if you wish to contribute to the read; but comments to post are fine too. (*) means you can add this optionally


Game Name: insert name here
*Picture or some sort of showin the game
*Game description/comments

Game Mode/objective

*Recommended greatly; Screenshot, action shots, etc (Would be nice if taken by you, but feel free to grab one from the interwebs,)

Game Mode desc/comments on the mode

* Other info can be added, like a wiki

* Video example

(Feel free to include more than one mode, even another game)

Now that the recommended template is made, I shall begin

Patapon 3

Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to a game, from back in the day, called Patapon.
"What is Patapon?" you might ask. Well patapon- forget it, I can't explain it here. Just read this, you'll get the jist.


Gamemode: Capture the Flag

Capture The flag takes place when both teams of 2, 3, or even 4 battle each other, taking bases, and attempt to Capture the other teams flag for a perfect victory. Many strategies need to be taken, before entering the arena, as for, it's not easy to be proficient in many aspects, such as destroying bases, or flag rushing. Normally this mode is called "Head on" due to the direct fighting with the opponents.
as we can see in the figure above, the blue team is utilizing a flag rush/demolition mix, using horseback for fast mobility, and a heavy hammer to handle the bases. As you PvP more, you unlock more rank in your team (clan), and discovery many items and placement gimmicks (base weapons), to help in offense and defense. The best part about doing 4v4's is that if everyone is over level 32, A purple chest (most rarest) is awarded to the players, which means ultimates (Extremely rare weapons, with somewhat OverPowered stats) can be found (they have only about 1% chance of being rolled). Many people gather for 4v4 so the may "Grind" other players for ultimates.
You can win Capture the Flag by only two means, Capturing the flag, or Scoring more points than the other team, if it is a tie, it results in a stalemate.

Mode: Racing

Excuse me, for the bad and empty Photo, I could not find or make at the moment, a better example.
Continuing on, as we can see, a team of 4 are racing each other to reach the goal first. Now, that's boring right? all we need to do is push forward until we get there... That is definitely not the case. What's actually happening here is that the teams have to crush and pass a multiple amount amount of obstacles to get ahead. Many Structures, monsters and traps are placed to hinder the team, so in this mode, it isn't all about speed. You can barely see it, but above the two leading players, there is a cannon ball shot at them. This means ahead, there is an obstacle, with a cannon placed on top of it. How to tell what to destroy and what to bypass- your teams are color coded. This means, that if you are on blue team, you may bypass all blue obstacles. However, there are Red and White colored structures you must destroy, red being the other team, and white being neutral. Unlike headone, Players do not hurt or target each other and instead of taking over neutral structures, both teams must work together for some moments to destroy them. What you must be careful for, is that structures are usually guarded, by many different types of turrets, Giant saws, flame throwers, and traps. Like all VS modes, you may use placement gimmicks to allow some defense to your own bases. If you didn't read the Capture the Flag, placement gimmicks are traps and sentries used to defend or help attack other bases. IF time happens to run out, the team in the lead, get's the win. IF the rule is set to "all members must pass" then, it is a stalemate.

Mode: Catapult (missile battle)

Missile battle is where two opposing teams are stationed on different platforms away from each other, but not too far away. The objective here is to launch missiles at the opposing teams platforms, until they are destroyed, if they are not destroyed until time runs out, the team with the highest score wins, if they tie, it will result in a stalemate. Unlike Head-on, only one point instead of twenty are awarded for killing a player, as killing players are not the objective of the game. each launch, will award twenty points, while a successful missile impact will award one hundred. Points are also awarded for destroying defensive structures and missiles launched by the opposing team. Now you might ask, "how do they launch the missiles exactly?" Well, due to the cluttered photo, it is hard to see, but if you look closely, you can see a switch at the end of each platform. Teams must attack the switch by any means, until the switch is knocked/pushed over, thus launching a missile. When the switch is pushed over, it will violently swing back and bash anyone in melee distance, causing high knockback and stagger. This is usually a surprise to new players, as the switch deals a considerable amount of damage, and since it happens so fast, it is extremely hard to dodge/avoid being hit. Some tank classes have nothing to worry about, since the physical damage is reduced and will usually knock them away. How players kill one another, is not by melee means, but ranged attacks that can thwart the enemy. As we can see in the figure above, the Archer is launching arrows at the opposing greatshield defender. This is great for knocking missiles out the air. many players don't get the strategy that must take place in this mode. This mode, is more about, trade off rewarding than just doing a simple job. Example, although sound elements do little to no damage to contribute to pushing the switch over, they do extra damage to missiles and can even critically injure a missile launched, making them best for anti-air. Greatshield welders (Units that sacrifice weapons for a large shield ) May not do damage against the switch, as bashing damage only loosens it, but they can defend the platform from missiles, literally deflecting them, (as seen above in the figure, the defender's bubble shield, can deflect missiles. Many new people often go for large critical ratings, but the switch does NOT take any criticals. Classes that can usually do good damage against the switch (Strike type attacks) Usually run the risk of being easily killed and even thwarted away from it by status effects. If you have enough people, it is recommended you also bring a healer , or some anti-air support.

Ratings from Players

Although the PvP in this game has really great concept, the execution was terrible, due to having no "PvP system" unlike other games. sadly, this thwarts many people from playing until they've achieved maximum potential, but many Players claim that lvl 31 or 32, PvP battles are the funnest and most enjoyable.

Overpowered, unwritten rules, and gimping one's self

Sadly in the game, The developers did not expect everything to be a "one shot kill" or "One hit KO" which means, killing, destroying or dismantling something in one easy hit. Usually in games, certain conditions must be met for OHKs, but in this game, they can be easily done. Many players have created unwritten rules to help keep the game balanced more, but when it comes to PvP, many players dislike having to goink (underpowering or using less powered gear, making it harder to attain a desirable effect) or applying restrictions to themselves just to play "fairly". Often, Players might go out the "fair" way to use "banned" units, gear, etc. The players often run the risk of negative feedback from communities, hackers retaliating using cheats, or even Bans from lobbies and chats. It's been recorded, that a player once used a banned unit in a capture the flag. The opposing team, had a hacker, who once saw the unit, used cheats to establish a win. The Player was temporarily banned from the chat, and complained, "I love this game to death, but I forget the place is run by 12 year old brats.... They literally ruined it for me! I don't think I'll ever return to it, if it keeps this way" The Player, after some reasoning was unbanned the next day. Although they still PvP, they have yet to use another "banned" implement.

Cheaters, hackers, and infecting innocent players

Like all games, there are always hackers and cheaters running around, but this games multiplayer took the cake. Often, like many RPGs, players will usually not hesitate to cheat, if possible. Mainly, cheating takes place on PvP, but some of it, will on other occasions. Often, players will "show off" doing the impossible and showing unobtainable gear, or Over leveled Weaponry. The developers introduced an algorithm to attempt to thwart of cheaters, but this resulted terribly. If the game detected cheating, what would happen, is that the cheater would get his gear "locked" to a certain level, meaning that they may only acquire gear the level they were locked at. Example: If the cheater is locked at level 12, the only gear being received would be between levels 1-12. Players call this an Infection. Reasons why is because the games security system was not quite up to par. Locked players, (or infected) would join innocent gamers lobbies. This would cause the Innocent to become locked as well, or infected. Once this happens, these players can easily spread it, just by simply saving in the same lobby with other players. The game's auto-save feature causes this easily. Many players have taken great lengths to "Catch hackers" and how to spot cheating players. Sadly, due to so many innocents being infected many upset players had to restart their saves, or just simply be rejected by the community, as people were scared playing with them.

Now to sum it all up.

Although, this game may have some game breaking features in it's PvP or just in its community, When it works out, it works out greatly. There's just too many things that ruin it for others and sadly, the developers do not update the game at all, so no nerfs, buffs, or changes have ever taken place sadly.

Many players enjoyed the PvP when it worked out, but wish, it would work out, "more often".

For those still reading, you are happy to take a look at the video example of some gameplay found.

Video of players playing Capture the Flag.
I recommend
skipping to 5:02 to see what it is more like. Sorry but I can't do the whole, "Video start at" because the Forum just wont... embed with it.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the video!

Sorry if there's mistakes, I kinda had to rush this, feel free to let me know if there are any! :cool:
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