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What games are you looking forward to? Also, what year are they being released?

The 2 main games I'm looking forward to are: GTA V, COD: Black Ops 2 & Halo 4.

I believe they're going to be released this year. Both GTA V & COD will be released sometime in the Fall of this year. Halo 4 is going to be released close to the holiday season of this year! :D
I am looking forward towards Counterstrike: Global Offensive.
I second the vote for CS:GO used to be a huge CS fan back in 1.3/1.5/1.6 but lately haven't been playing maybe CS:GO will get me to come back who knows

also tossing in Diablo 3 into the mix looks really good
Howard Dean bashes National Review.

Here is a little history NR (National Review) wanted the Democrats to nominate Howard Dean for President :D . Well I myself would say hey it is a good endorsement from the right. Well in remarks made recently Dean called NR "Silly," and also said "Who's going to take them seriously." Well Mr. Dean I may not agree with everything NR puts in their publication I would have to say I find them fair and more for the Constitution then you seem to be.