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George Osborne's Cuts


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So George Osbourne's budget come out this week. What does everyone think of it?
It has to be done, can't say I'm happy about the cut in Uni places but I think it was the right thing to cut the Child Trust Fund.
...he sounds important.

He makes the choices as to how much money each government branch should get, eg police, education etc.

@Weesaw: I agree mate, I mean, the cuts don't really affect me (directly) much yet as I am not working or living on my own etc. I think that the the cuts had to be made though as Labour overspent really bad.
Aye, Labour royally f*cked us over. I think we'd have been better off with a Lib-Dem government instead of a Coalition but what you gonna do. Tories are ****ers, Labour are ****ers, Lib Dems are the middle ground...not so much ****ers as just a bit of a prick.
Aye, Labour royally f*cked us over. I think we'd have been better off with a Lib-Dem government instead of a Coalition but what you gonna do. Tories are ****ers, Labour are ****ers, Lib Dems are the middle ground...not so much ****ers as just a bit of a prick.

I'm somewhat divided about the Lib-Dems. The thing I'd fear if they got into government is people getting taxed more to help the poor and the whole robin hood approach to things.... I agree with what the Tories say about working hard to make an honest buck.