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Girl frozen in time may hold key to ageing


Legend Of The Universe
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Topeka, Kansas
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Scientists are hoping to gain new insights into the mysteries of ageing by sequencing the genome of a 17-year-old girl who has the body and behaviour of a tiny toddler.

Brooke Greenberg is old enough to drive a car and next year will be old enough to vote — but at 16lb in weight and just 30in tall, she is still the size of a one-year-old.
Until recently she had been regarded as a medical oddity but a preliminary study of her DNA has suggested her failure to grow could be linked to defects in the genes that make the rest of humanity grow old.
If confirmed, the research could give scientists a fresh understanding of ageing and even suggest new therapies for diseases linked to old age.

Read more: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/science/genetics/article7120516.ece
Thanks!! This is very interesting! I wonder if this can lead to something that can stop aging.

I always wanted to live a couple hundred years, at least ... perhaps nanobots, altered bacteria, or other means might give people a far longer life.

It's sad that we're born into our lives apparently without memory of other existences, and have to grow up, can live a couple decades and then have to die ... it would be much more fun to have an arbitrary time here.

The only question is, when we die, what happens then? What if we live in sort of a "training level"? What's the next stage?