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Girl With a Dragon Tattoo (2011)


Emerging Talker
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Any one seen the Girl with a dragon Tattoo (the one with Daniel Craig) how does it compare to the Original (Swedish)
No will be watching it soon!
Your favorite season?

What's your favorite season of the year? I love fall! Where I live, the leaves only change to brown, but I love when it starts to cool off just enough for a light sweater.
I'm more of a Winter person myself, it is Summer where I am right now and the intensity of the heat and humidity is killing me (although I hope not literally), that and I love being snuggled up in bed under the covers. I can't do that because it is too hot!

Although I love Winter, it is not because of the snow, we don't get much, but rather the many beautiful scenes I see during winter. Christmas, night skies and stuff like that, I really love it.
Just like Haze, I'm a winter person. Even though shoveling snow can be quite a pain in the buttox it's far better than dying in the heat. Winter, you can put on as much clothes as you need ... Summer you can only strip to your boxers before things start to get a little weird.
I would have to say Fall is the best season. Living in Florida that is the one season I miss the most.
I like Spring because of the buds on the hedges and trees then the glorious green as they burst open.
I like Summer and the hotter the better. Walking on the beach, the glorious colours in the garden, eating outside under the roses..bliss :)
I like Autumn for the colours of the trees, the fallen leaves to shuffle through, the misty mornings and bonfire smoke in the air.
I like the frosts and snow in Winter, being wrapped up warmly and walking along the lane in fur boots. Drawing the curtains against a cold evening and sitting by the fireside when the wind is howling outside.
I don't have a favourite season :)
I have not seen the Swedish version, but now that you have mentioned it I do wish to see it now.
The trailer for the Swedish version is here at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzY9_3dDbkg

It looks pretty intense, exciting, and action-packed.

I have read reviews comparing the two, and many liked both of the films equally in terms of action and thrills; however, many felt that the US version had characters that they could relate to more, were more likable, and were easier to understand and like. They also felt that they portrayed the characters better overall. The US version gets much better reviews overall, and these may be in part to the acting and the character development; the Swedish version may have been too subtle, too understated, or just too foreign for many to relate to. The cinematography is better in the US version also.
I saw the movie and it super cool, nice story and action.