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Global Currency Debate.

It could be useful. Being able to travel anywhere and not worry about having the money, as everything would be priced the same way. But the question remains, what currency would it be? Would it be adopting another country's currency? Or would it be an entirely new currency (say for example, the videogame style gold coins). If the former, which country would get to keep their currency, and why? If the latter, how would pricing be determined? Value? What would happen to all the old currency? Could we exchange it for the same value in gold coins?
It could be useful. Being able to travel anywhere and not worry about having the money, as everything would be priced the same way. But the question remains, what currency would it be? Would it be adopting another country's currency? Or would it be an entirely new currency (say for example, the videogame style gold coins). If the former, which country would get to keep their currency, and why? If the latter, how would pricing be determined? Value? What would happen to all the old currency? Could we exchange it for the same value in gold coins?

I think it'd be easier to create a completely new currency, and allow each country to customise their notes/coins to give a little independance. But of course, whatever the design, they'd all be worth the same. As for old currencies, I'd assume it'd be how euros have been working. The country changing to euros just lets all citizens exchange their money, and overtime shops and such stop accepting the old currency, and not long after it is all gone.

There's a lot more too it, though. Countries can't just print new notes like they can with their own currency, and there would be a higher organisation in control of the world basically. Whoever controls the world currency would have so much power, it'd have to be very carefully designed.