Global Warming on Hold


PF Member
According to several informative news organisations, including The Telegraph and The American Spectator to name a couple, Global Warming is currently on hold, and has been for approximately 15 years. This does not however, mean that we are out of the red and everything is now going to be fine - Met. Office scientists have in fact warned that the issue is still a threat and will speed up again.

There has apparently been no increase in the average of worldwide surface temperatures since the late 1990s, while it was suggested in the early to mid 2000s that the speed and threat of Global Warming was rapidly increasing. Ultimately, skeptics are suggesting that climate change is not as large a threat as the experts had previously predicted. Three new reports released earlier this year from the Met Office claim that the oceans have played a part in 'disguising' Global Warming, and have absorbed greater amounts of heat, preventing recognition of the difference caused from the surface level. Conclusively, because of deep oceans, we do not receive the brunt of the effects of Global Warming and they are almost undetectable from the level of the surface.

This natural ocean cycle could possibly delay the earlier stage predictions previously warned of global warming by approximately five to ten years, however it will resume in the future. Researchers also suggest that 'Other factors including a number of volcanic eruptions since 2000 and changes in the Sun's activity, could also have masked the effect of greenhouse gases by providing a slight cooling effect'. We could now be looking at another five years before the surface temperatures begin to rise, but the long-term effects that had previously been forecast will be unaffected. Surface temperatures around the globe are already high and remain that way, with twelve out of fourteen of the warmest years recorded occurring since 2000.

Unexplained to the public, despite scientist awareness of climate change and the rate it would progress, climate change was never guaranteed to occur at a consecutive rate and would include periods of stable temperatures of approximately ten to twenty years. This is currently what we are experiencing within this 'hold on Global Warming'. Although, I'm still confused on why global warming is still not being televised and raising awareness as much as it has in previous years. I feel as though I haven't seen an advert with the polar caps melting and polar bears sitting on a bit of ice floating in the Arctic for a long time.

What are your opinions on Global Warming? How do you believe society is handling it, whether referring to the general community, or those belonging to higher powers? How aware are you of Global Warming and the effects previously forecast? If you had the power to do anything (realistically) to stop/slow it, what would you do? Discuss. :)

I don't think it's brought up enough honestly. Global warming will always be an issue since major companies like Exxon Mobile and Shell have no interest in alternative fuels and resources. Given that oil isn't the only problem as far as global warming is concerned, but it's definitely a major contributor.
All mention of it just seems to have stopped completely. Soon enough it is going to effect us a lot and you'll still have people none the wiser on the factors.
I remember all the advertisements there used to be, pretty much everywhere you looked. I think it was more prominent in society ten years ago than it is now.
Well when the media in my country is completely useless, that's what happens. At least over here, especially with organizations like Fox News telling us science is a lie and global warming doesn't exist, even though there's loads of evidence to support the claims.
I don't think they can really be trusted anywhere; not everything is interesting, but they need to try and make it that way to keep up top. :/
As far as I'm concerned, the reason climate change isn't mentioned in public discourse as frequently now is because people grew tired of the grandiose claims of destruction and scare tactics that environmental advocates threw around as a call to action. The lacking public interest is partly the fault of this behaviour. We need to see more scientists talking about climate change realistically, rather than documentaries and news pieces (which can be edited to suit the will of the director) that throw around predictions of environmental destruction based on a what if, based on a what if, based on yet another what if (yes, I'm looking at you, Al Gore).

The reality is that the extent of the effects of climate change are not yet conclusively known. Depending on the area of the world, for some people, the impact will be very bad, and for others the impact will be very good. It's definitely a change. The point is though, that the activists do all the running around spreading the worst possible predictions based on hypotheticals that are not even likely to happen (though admittedly, there is a chance), and I honestly don't think this helps the case at all.

As far as what I would do to stop it, I would probably work on sustainability and using cleaner energy, because these are beneficial even without climate change taken into account. It's a complex issue, and it can't be reduced down to alarmist rubbish.
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As you have mentioned, having a serious discussion between scientists aired would probably be a better way of raising awareness. No edits, no effects, just simple talking - like the parliament channel. >.> I believe that some areas will be effected worse than others, yes - give it a good few years. But all in all it'll create a snowball effect which could possibly cause things to go downhill a lot quicker in the areas that were not as effected by it.

With the statement regarding cleaner energy - fossil fuels eventually become too difficult and expensive to extract, they're non-renewable. There'll be no choice but to move on to cleaner options. :)