go go go


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
aren't any of you up and all pumped about this junk?!?
at the moment its bush 246 gore 242
and has been for awhile
NOT CALLED: FL (25), IA (7), OR (7), WI (11)

(this is so those who read this later know what i was feeling at the time or something)

gore needs florida!!!!!!!!


New mix coming very soon!
2:20am EST
Bush 271
Gore 249



New mix coming very soon!
1) This is still projected, right?

2) What happened in Missouri? I heard briefly about some possible tampering...but I haven't heard anything about it since.

3) Anyone else think Gore's gonna ask for a recount?

"Should I call you Logan, WeaponX?"
Well, the vote (according to Aussie news) is finalised. Bush is in. Eeek.

Well, it's a great shame for the world. Let's hope we don't have any wars over here while Bush is in office, cause he clearly couldn't care less about other countries.

The only advantage of having him in power will be that it'll force Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Greece and other such countries to build up our militaries for peacekeeping operations - meaning America loses part of it's supreme military power.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh please say that Flordia messed up the first time and this suspensfull re-count will fix the error.

accept what God and nature has given us each day with appreciation and gratitude, and never give up because somehow, somewhere were going to find fish and have a great time fishing!!!
What the hell is happening with this?
First thing I heard last night was that there was a computer error that had falsely given Florida to Gore. Then they brought an update to say that Bush would be the next US president. Now Yahoo News and the AOL IM News Ticker both speak of a recount in Florida. So it is possible that Gore could make it?
Here it is:

Wow...and to think my vote could really turn the tide as I live in FL.

*feels proud for voting*

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
I read on michael moore's site, (so take it for what you will, but I did hear this on tv last night too), that the Palm Beach (FL) ballot was written in a confusing manner that made many voters vote for Buchanon rather than Gore (I accidentally put Bush here before I edited, sorry). Also there was talk, on NBC, of ballot boxes being lost. Hmm...and who is in charge of Florida?

edit<I put Bush there by mistake, the votes were really taken from Gore. In fact I was just watching CNN and they interviewed a woman who was tricked and she was making calls to see if there was any way to change her tainted vote>

(I feel like the tv channels as I have mistakenly misled you)
although that's really not funny

my eyes, the goggles do nothing

<font color="#000000">[Edited by jourgenson on November 08, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
This is quite a scary thing...

Although I've sort of resigned myself to the probability of Bush winning...sigh.
aargh! When will it end? It is so hard to concentrate at work with this hanging over us. Not to mention that every conversation ends up with politics being the focus. Not to mention the lack of sleep I am trying to function with. I hope the 2 republican alcoholics don't aren't forced to pick up drinking again.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
Florida recount holds key to White House

November 8, 2000
Web posted at: 12:26 p.m. EST (1726 GMT)

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- A day after Election
Day, the U.S. presidential race remains a
who-won-it mystery that will be solved when
Florida reveals the outcome of its vote recount.

GOP candidate Texas Gov. George W. Bush
has a 1,784-vote lead over Democratic Vice
President Al Gore in Florida. Because the lead is
so narrow, Florida's election officials, by law,
enacted a mandatory recount Wednesday. The
recount must be completed by the end of the
business day on Thursday.

A county-by-county recount had begun by
Wednesday afternoon, and election officials said
they would release results as they received

The Electoral College and ultimate victory for
either Gore or Bush is at stake.

The Bush campaign told CNN on Wednesday
that Bush advisers expect the governor to be
declared the president-elect, despite the tight
race and the Florida recount.

But a Gore campaign spokesman said his side
believes enough votes remain uncounted to
bring victory to the vice president.

Gore overtook Bush in the national popular vote
tally by 1 percentage point, 49 percent to 48

Officials in Florida said all the precinct ballots
and all the absentee ballots had been counted in
all 67 counties with the major exception of
overseas absentee ballots. Now all the votes will
be recounted by supervisors from all counties,
with representatives from the news media and
both candidates present.

Election officials said either the number of
overseas absentee ballots or a change as a result
of the recount could tip the election for Bush or
for Gore.

It is also possible that one candidate could win
the Electoral College vote and the other win the
popular vote, which hasn't happened in a
hundred years.

Buchanan controversy

In a separate controversy, Palm Beach County
voters complained that their punch card ballots
had the names of presidential candidates on two
pages instead of one. The voters said it led to
confusion and they may have voted for Reform
Party candidate Patrick Buchanan when they
had intended to vote for Gore.

"I saw it myself with my own eyes," Rep.
Robert Wexler, D-Florida, told CNN. "I talked
to hundreds of people. There is no doubt there
was mass confusion in Palm Beach County
yesterday at the ballot box, which resulted in at
least it seems about 3,000 plus votes for Pat
Buchanan and I know that that's incorrect."

Gore leads in the popular vote count by just
over 275,000 votes -- 48,734,682 for Gore and
48,459,592 for Bush.

Green Party candidate Ralph Nader -- who
received 2,658,281 votes -- was accused of
being a spoiler for Gore by siphoning off
Democratic votes. Reform Party candidate Buchanan received 443,135 votes.

Buchanan offered Nader some advice.

"I would currently advise Ralph, given the numbers that I've seen, that he may
be interested in Secret Service protection when he comes in here this morning
from some angry Democrats, who I'm sure are going to blame him for the
defeat of Al Gore. And if he gets credit for that, more power to him," Buchanan

At a Wednesday news conference, Nader said he supported the Florida recount
and said his candidacy proved the Green Party is "alive and well' and has been
established as a legitimate third party.

Turnout up

The Committee for the Study of the American Electorate estimated 52 to 53
percent of the eligible voters cast ballots. That number was about 55 percent in

Without a decision in Florida -- which commands 25 electoral votes -- Gore led
the projected tally in the Electoral College by 14 votes, 260 to 246.

The only other state yet to have a projected winner is Oregon, which holds seven
electoral votes. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

If Bush takes Florida, the state's electoral votes would push his number to 271 --
one more than necessary to win the presidency. If Gore wins Florida, he'll have
285 -- but if he doesn't win Florida, and even if he takes Oregon, he'll fall short
of 270 by three electoral votes.

Election Day

The Bush family, including Bush's father, former President George Bush,
gathered Tuesday evening at the governor's home in Austin, Texas, to watch

Gore and his family did the same at their home in Carthage, Tennessee.

Early Tuesday evening Gore aides told CNN that the Rev. Jesse Jackson had
been dispatched to Pennsylvania in a last-minute effort to increase voter turnout
among Democrats in that battleground state, while members of Sen. Edward
Kennedy's staff had been sent to New Hampshire on a similar mission.

As election results poured in, the electoral vote appeared to be moving in Gore's
favor, and at one point, news media projections showed that Gore would win
Florida. But soon afterward, media outlets, including CNN, switched Florida's
status back to a toss-up. Later the media projected Bush a winner in Florida and
then retracted that projection.

As the state vote tally appeared to be moving toward Bush, the vice president
was very close to making a concession speech, aides said, but staffers
convinced him the Florida results were too inconclusive.

"No man can be condemed for owning a dog.
As long as he has a dog, he has a friend;
and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has."

- Will Rogers

Loyalty and love are the best things of all, and surely the most lasting. -- My Dog Skip
The recount of votes has begun in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.

According to election officials, the recount is going well.

The recounting of ballots began just after 1 p.m. The Miami-Dade supervisor of elections says that the count should take approximately five hours.

Jane Carroll, Broward County election supervisor, said that it is anticipated that the recount there will take approximately three to four hours.

Carroll reported that all twelve of Broward County's vote-counting machines are up and running. Some concern had been expressed over the performance of the 26-year-old equipment after one of the machines had mechanical problems Tuesday night.

Several lawyers from both parties are at the site where the Broward County votes are being recounted.

The recount was delayed for more than half an hour while a decision was made regarding which attorneys would be allowed to stay and observe the process.

In Broward, poll workers responsible for the recount stood in a circle holding hands and praying just before the recount began.

Sheriff’s deputies are supervising the recount, and require that each person show formal identification to enter the recount area.

The Miami-Dade supervisor indicated that the results will not be released in stages. The results of the recount in that county will be released in their entirety sometime after 6 p.m. Wednesday.

Broward County results are expected sometime after 4 p.m.

Bush said that former Secretary of State James Baker will go to Florida to monitor the recount. As of 6:00 a.m. EST Wednesday, the Florida election returns in the 2000 U.S. Presidential election were 2,909,135 for Republican candidate George W. Bush and 2,907,351 for Democratic candidate Albert Gore.

These returns reflect all precinct ballots cast and all absentee ballots cast in all 67 Florida counties, with the sole exception of outstanding overseas absentee ballots, according to the statement.

The difference in votes cast is 1,784 in favor of Bush, which is less than one half of one percent of all votes cast. Under these circumstances, Florida law requires an automatic recount of all votes cast. The recount will be conducted in each county by the statutorily prescribed county canvassing board.

Under Florida law, Secretary of State Katherine Harris is the constitutionally independent officer elected by the people of Florida as the chief election officer of the state. The statement adds that as such, it is her responsibility to obtain and maintain uniformity in the application, operation, and interpretation of the election laws.

Florida law stipulates rules and procedures to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the recount process. The Secretary of State has sworn to uphold the laws of the state to their fullest extent and will exercise her sworn duties with the utmost vigilance.

Florida election officials prepared for the recount in their stunningly close election for president after the margin between Bush and Gore shrank through the night.
I hope those last few votes go to Gore.
If they don't, god help the rest of the world for the rest of his term.
From here on out I shall refer to vote tampering as:

"pulling a Jeb"

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
Speaking of which. I was talking to someone from Tennessee whose mother lives there. She said that people in her community (inner city) was told that the polls would be open til 10pm. They promptly closed at 7pm.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing