Good beginner books

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Anyone know any good beginner books? I have an uber ton of C++, C#, VB, Java, HTML books but none geared specifically toward beginners! Any help is very greatly appreciated! :)
"Let us c" for c programming and "Let us c++" for c++ by Yashavant P. Kanetkar.
Balaguruswamy's "programming in java" is better for java beginners.
Christianity's bloody History.

We all know that Christianity has a Bloody History no way around that. The problem with some people is they blame that history on the Bible and its teaching in the old testament. There is a problem with this though.
Most people who don't believe tend to think that the Old Testament is a guide on how to live. I would agree that Certain section are meant to be that such as Psalms and even Proverbs as a few others. Yet the Majority of the Old Testament is a History book leading up to Jesus. The New Testament is the Guide for Christian living. In the New Testament there is no talk about killing people or even the need to hurt someone. Jesus tell Christians to be Humble and Compassionate.
So why does Christianity have such a bloody history. Well unfortunately what can I say it happens. You may be asking what happens why so dismissive. I am not being dismissive what happens is that people who have power crave more power and feel the need to subjugate others into there system. Romans did it, Greeks before them.
It is simple really it were certain people who had power that twisted the teachings in the New and Old Testaments around to suit their goal. It happen with the Crusades, Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials.
Though you can't blame all few the fault of the few.
Look at Islam today the few in power lead the many who are poor. The many who are poor believe the few in poor. It was the Same way for Christianity hundreds of years ago. It is still that way even today and will be in the future.
How do we solve this in reality we don't. Though us Christians who see this fault need to be the voice of reason and stand up for others who do a disservice to Christianity.
IF a war was to come about due to religious Islamists want to have control of eveything/body, will you fight your cause or turn the other cheek?
Frog said:
IF a war was to come about due to religious Islamists want to have control of eveything/body, will you fight your cause or turn the other cheek?
I would not fight the cause for my religion. I myself would fight the cause for my Nation and what we stand for. Which is the freedom of all.
That may be the wrong answer I don't think so. I am an American and we fought for our freedom and I would fight to keep that freedom we fought for.