Good Samaritan Stories


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A good samaritan is a person, unknown to you, but who's intervention can change you life forever - have you ever been helped by a good samaritan - or have you found yourslef thrust by circumstance into being somebody's good samaritan?

These 10 good samaritan stories are full of fate, happenstance and srendipty - maybe an angel or two :-

Your Good Samaritan Stories
Working in the customer service field, there is many opportunities for being a good samaritan. Whether it be holding the door open for someone, returning a dropped/lost article (i have a good story for this one), and many others that can be big or small. Its the gesture that matters.

A while back (6 years or maybe even longer...), my aunt found a lost wallet. This person was from another city 5 hours away, and it did not have any contact info in the wallet. It did however contain all of the important pieces of identification, some cash, and credit cards. My aunt picked up this wallet, and searched for Identification to see if she could easily return the lost wallet. That is when she found out they lived 5 hours away.

So what she did is she packed it up in a box, and had it mailed to the address found on the person's drivers license. She removed the cost of the shipping from the wallet, and sent a note with her contact information, and an explanation for the missing money for the shipping. She asked the person to call her upon arival of the parcel to ensure it made it safely. The person who lost the wallet, called a few days later and was extremely grateful, and could not say thank you enough. My aunt appologized for removing the money from the wallet for the shipping and for "rumaging" through it. The owner of the wallet said 'nonsense" and ended up purchasing a moderately priced thank you gift, that my aunt wasnt expecting. But to have all of those important articles returned less a few dollars for shipping, surely that can be understandable.

To my knowledge, they maintained a strong friendship via telephone until my aunts death when I was in grade 10. However, when she shared this story with me, I was amazed at something so small could have such an impact. This smallest gesture of just returning someones property, could restore someones faith in humanity.