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Gore's runningmate... Orthodox Jew??


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ok guys.. the media's plastering this story everywhere.. is it that big a deal what religion this guy is? in your opinion will it affect his policies(international as well as domestic)? Comments? Questions? Complaints????
it certainly will solidify the jewish vote for the democrats.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
They're making such a big deal about it because he will be the first Jew on a presidential ticket (or something like that), so it's a historical thing that he's been chosen.

He has some really great values...I don't think his religion will affect his policies, as with anyone else running, what will affect things are his values and he has great values from what I've heard...seems to be a really great guy.

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
He's said he'd rather not campaign during the sabbath (Friday sundown-Saturday sundown), but I think he said if he needs to he will.

I really think that it's not going to just be that he's the first that is going to be good for him, but also that he seems to be a really great candidate.

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
ok.. how about why Al Gore chose this guy...

My 2cents:
lieberman was one of the first in the Demoratic party that criticized bill clinton when the Monica scandal popped out.. is this Al's way of distancing himself even more from Bill Clinton????
oh.. and he has stated that he would still perform his civic duties on the Sabbath
I think you're right about Gore distancing himself...he wants to make sure it looks like he is not on Clinton's side on this...who would?

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
Personally, I think he's also trying to get Jewish votes. Historically, the majority of Jews usually vote Democrat, but I think I read in the paper that more and more are leaning towards Republican.

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
Americans love firsts, which is one of the reasons why I think they're mentioning it. Although being the first woman on a VP ticket didn't help Geraldine Ferraro...

He's an orthodox Jew, I believe - as such they tend to *really* keep the sabbath - has he made any statements regarding whether or not he might make a few allowances in his religious practices in order to keep the country running?

My knob tastes funny.
Orthodox Jew, eh? One might want to consider the fact that he consistently votes pro-choice, pro-partial birth abortion, and is divorced. Not that any of this indicates my own personal views on any of the aforementioned matters, however given his orthodoxy, such moves are highly reprehensible and hypocritical. I actually bought my saab (I refer to it as the Liberman mobile) from his disgruntled ex-wife (I live in Connecticut, about 1/4 mile away from her). Beleive me, Lieberman's people are really trying to keep her mouth shut (she doesn't always relay the nicest details about the man), however, the liberal media is certainly doing a good job of catering to this cover-up. As for his religion causing rifts between voters and the parties -- I have some fears, though they are not the obvious. First of all, the anti-semetic ignoramouses out there have most likely already solidified their votes for Buchanan. Republicans were never intending to vote for Gore in the first place (our worst fear is to extend the Clinton administrations 'reign'). However, *when* Bush wins, and Gore loses, I fear that Gore's team will attribute the loss to "Republican anti-semitism" as an excuse, even though Republicans were not intending to vote for Gore anyway, REGARDLESS who his running mate was.

The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all or cannot do so well for themselves in their separate and individual capacities.

-Abraham Lincoln