via boingboing...
I'm from Kansas and I'm also friends with Mr. Manspeaker who is mentioned at the end of the quote above.
I think it's silly that the school forced this girl to apologize and threaten academic punishment.
Kansas high school student Emma Sullivan took a field trip to see Governor Sam Brownback speak. She didn't like what he had to say, and tweeted about what she wished she could do: "just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot." Clearly, this kind of insubordination could not stand. Someone from Brownback's office sent the tweet to someone from the Shawnee Mission School District who sent it to Sullivan's principal, who has demanded that Sullivan write the governor an apology. (Via Chad Manspeaker)
I'm from Kansas and I'm also friends with Mr. Manspeaker who is mentioned at the end of the quote above.
I think it's silly that the school forced this girl to apologize and threaten academic punishment.