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Jesus and Moses are sitting in a boat on a lake bragging to each other
about all of the miracles they've performed in their lives. Jesus sticks
his hands out of the boat, cups his hands, and scoops out a handful of
water. "Here, taste this." he says to Moses.
Moses takes a sip. "It's wine! That's incredible!" he says.
"It's a miracle" Jesus replies.
Moses stands up in the boat, mumbles a prayer, spreads his arms apart,
and the water of the lake parts before them.
Jesus is flabergasted. "That's incredible!" cries Jesus. "It's a miracle"
Moses replies.
Jesus stands up in the boat, sticks one foot out of the boat, then the
other and promptly sinks to the bottom of the lake. Moses parts the waters,
fishes Jesus out of the lake, and puts him back into the boat.
Jesus says, "I don't understand it. I've walked on water many times and
that has never happened before. I just can't understand what happened."
Moses says, "Call it a hunch, but I think it might have something to do
with the big holes in your feet."

"Qualifications for being a Moderator at Anandtech...? I think that you have to be 17 or under, and the lobomoty has to be total. Partial lobomoty only gets you Elite Member status."

Serendipity is looking for a needle in a haystack and finding the farmer's daughter.