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Gun Control Does Not Work


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Gun control doesn't work and that's pretty much common sense. I just blogged about it actually in an articled I named America's Favorite Scapegoat: The Gun". I'm not going to take the time to rewrite the entire blog post on the forum but I do want to touch on some ideas and things that our press and leaders have been saying recently.

Gun Control is not the answer despite President Obama immediately spiking the football before any information was even known about the shooter. The President ironically pointed to our allies as shining examples of success. These examples when highlighted, such as Britain, show nations that have suffered in the wake of gun control. Crime shot up, murder rates spiked, and terror events happened at exponential rates. Another nation listed by Obama as a shining example, Australia, had a mass shooting deemed a terrorist attack within 12 hours of the President's misplaced compliment. In fact Australia has seen their crime rates go up as well but the most vibrant example is that gun ownership is as high as it was BEFORE Australia confiscated guns - which means instead of a legal gun system now a vast illegal gun system works in Australia as fluidly as the marijuana and drug trade operates in America. 

Boy, that is embarrassing to say the least.

Don't worry because it gets much worse. Looking at home in our cities we see that cities with the strictest gun laws tend to be the most violent! The President's own home town, Chicago, has terribly strict gun laws imposed by the state, but has consistently remained violent and war torn by gang violence. I'm sure such an irony couldn't get in the way of the liberal agenda...but most of us realize it has. Detroit, Oakland, Camden, New York, Washington DC, San Diego, the list goes on and on and on. These cities are ravaged by crime...and yet gun control is in full effect there. 

Seems the magical solution didn't work.

We should have know that before we tried. Historically gun control has never worked and has been utilized by some of the most oppressive dictatorships in history. Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, the Soviet Union, Communist China, the list goes on and on again. These are nations who made it so their population could not over throw their tyrannical rule. So why in the world would America ever assume gun control is the answer, much less any answer to any question, because history alone would dictate that it's a bad idea.

So why gun control? What attracts these liberals to this historically bad idea and what makes them thing the citizenry is just going to sit down and take it??

You can decide. Please read my blog article in full. I'm pretty good at writing when I actually try 
I don't know really what I think about guns being legal. With one side you think with all these people freely being able to have guns that it should be mayhem but its only the case with a few individuals. On the other hand if everyone didn't have guns a lot of these shootings would not occur but would people be able to defend themselves? People will still find ways to get guns illegally so its hard to solve the problem really.

The only control I can think of is making it harder for psychos to get them
There's nothing more we can do without restricting liberty though. The real issue is how to you define a psycho. Is that anyone who has seen a psychiatrist? That would rule a lot of veterans out from owning guns including myself.  I have issues with anxiety. So it becomes a very slippery slope because where do you draw the line? Also it should be noted a lot of these recent shootings involved legally bought and shooter's without pertinent history: no indications of being a psycho.  

Getting an illegal gun isn't hard and banning guns will only create more chaos in my opinion.  If I need an illegal gun I know precisely which motorcycle gang sells them. It's not hard to find info lol. 

I figure you want a good example of what a gun ban would look like in America? Replace the word gun with Marijuana or method or heroin and consider how it has not worked from that angle.  It won't work here either.