I dont have a problem with guns, I have a problem with idiots with guns and those who think that having a gun is a solution to everything. It is true that criminals will always exist and make ways to obtain a gun and while it is necessary for protection, I dont think that should extend to assault and military grade guns that have multiple clips and magazines, that doesn't mean that the Second Amendment, which was written so that the minutemen could protect themselves from hostile forces in the late 1700's, will go away. It is a gun nuts failure to realize this and come to a compromise that makes Americans look like gun obsessed, inbred rednecks to the rest of the civilized world. I think it is ironic that those who go around crying about their Second Amendment rights are the ones who are proving themselves to be the exact kind of people who should not own a gun. I think that, if anything else, we should give gun control a chance, because like with the drug war, nothing else we've tried thus far has worked. And surprise, surprise, here we are in 2013, a year in which MOST Americans have realized that the Drug War hasn't worked and politicians and advocate groups are working with the people to scale back the criminalization of Marijuana and are working towards its legalization. This is in direct response to the fact that most Drug arrests are non-violent Marijuana related offenses. Legalization and taxing will not only do a lot for the economy, but also a lot to end the cartel's influence as well. Other nations have already legalized it and Mexico is following in our footsteps on this and other issues. So things are indeed turning around for the Drug War. I am only saying that if it worked for Marijuana then it can work for gun control.. but we'd have to give it a chance to work before writing it off completely..