Gunman kills 12 in Colorado movie theater


Legend Of The Universe
PF Member
(CNN) -- A heavily armed gunman attacked an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater early Friday, tossing tear gas before opening fire on the terrified audience and killing 12 and wounding 38, authorities said. The theater was showing the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises."

Witness recalls chaos after gunman bursts into theater

One of the injured was just 3 months old, according to hospital workers.
Police arrested a man believed to be the shooter in a rear parking lot of the theater, Frank Fania, a police spokesman, told CNN.

"He did not resist. He did not put up a fight," Fania said. Police seized a rifle and a handgun from the suspect, and another gun was found in the theater, he said.

Two federal law enforcement sources involved in the investigation identified the suspect as James Holmes, 24, of Aurora, Colorado.

[More info..]

This is horrible :(
From what I heard he planted his house full of explosives, but the police were smart enough not to let them explode. He still thinks he is a villan and has been placed on suicide watch. I was pretty amazed someone would do this, it is really a terrible thing and my heart goes out to all the families.
From what I heard he planted his house full of explosives, but the police were smart enough not to let them explode. He still thinks he is a villan and has been placed on suicide watch. I was pretty amazed someone would do this, it is really a terrible thing and my heart goes out to all the families.
They did kill those explosives though. They ran through his apartment and found a lot more ammunitation. This dude is crazy.
He needs the death penalty. His fellow inmates have already stated that they want to kill his ****. @Iconic seriously and the media is trying to state he might be insane. **** him. Lock him away and throw away the key.
Well said. It ****s me when things like this happen and the crim has been given a weak penalty.
Well said. It ****s me when things like this happen and the crim has been given a weak penalty.
Ya, **** him and the media. He needs the death penalty or put him in population so the inmates can beat his **** and/or kill him. You don't go on a rampage and kill so many innocent people. That's ****ed up and really pisses me off. Reminds me of George Zimmerman and how so many people are supporting him for killing Trayvon martin, like wtF? What's wrong with people these days? Why support a killer?