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guys make it harder on themselves. lol.


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:lol: really, poor guys.

they just cant get ANYTHING right. or at least my boyfriend cant. and he tries all the time, and he still manages to screw everything up! :p

for instance: the night we went to go see all shook up??? we originally had dinner reservations at a really nice place, like three hours before the show started, so we had plenty of time...

but of course, he wasnt ready in time because he didnt realize that the person picking up the tickets had to have the same name as on the credit card used to purchase them (and he had used his boss's..lol..) soo we missed our table, and then spent so much time driving back and forth to different restaurants, unsure of where we should go...

that about thirty minutes before the show started, we got appetizers at a fricken sports bar.. and sat next to like 30 kids coming back from homecoming. lol.

reeeaaalll romantic. :p


that brings us to sweetest day. <3

saturday morning, 7:30 AM.. neither of us know its sweetest day......

he is getting ready, and we are arguing. over nothing really. just that its saturday morning and early and we're both cranky.. and he has to go to work.

right after I told him to **** himself.. lol.. the radio mentions that its sweetest day..

lol. so we are both like.. okay.. its lame that we are fighting. truce! see you later..

he calls me like an hour later and asks me what my plans for the day are. I tell him that Im going over to nikki's, and me nikki vena and stacey are all going to get our hair done ( they are all stylists..lol.. i am useless.- but i usually have great pot. ) muahaha. and do pedicures and stuff.. he asks how long its going to take.. I said probably all day. he tells me he will be home around five. yeah cool see you then, whatever.

-- k. fast forward to 3:00.. vena is highlighting staceys hair, and nikki is doing mine. i havent taken a shower. im still in my pajamas. its all red around my eyebrows cause nikki just waxed them... im wearing slippers.. and there is fricken tinfoil in my hair, okay. lol.

nikki's cell phone rings. "shhh.. its dane!" before she answers.

the first thing he asks is if im around.. nikki goes yeah shes here.. gives me another shh.. he tells her not to say anything to ME ( :rolleyes: ) but that he is on his way home now, and she needs to keep me over at her place for like ten minutes after he gets home.

so of course, she hangs up the phone and tells me everything. (rules of tha sisterhood, brotha!) :lol:

and Im just like whatever. i tell nikki to just keep doing my hair and for the next fifteen minutes or so we make all these jokes about uhauls.. and me walking home and i suddenly have no tv. lol.

staceys hair and mine get done processing at the same time, she is using nikkis shower, so i go over to my side of the duplex to use mine.

might i remind you that there is fricken tinfoil in my hair.

and that over my pajamas is a CAPE to keep dye off my clothes.

i open my back patio door... and step right into a bunch of rose petals.

i follow the trail of rose petals, (the swish of my cape and the tin foil rubbing against more tin foil in my hair blended nicely with the fricken MARVIN GAYE playing.. LOL..)

annndddd. there is a smiling boyfriend and FIFTY roses waiting for me in the next room.

errrr.... thanks... but i have to go wash this out of my hair before it turns it white buddy.. lol.... and then go right back over to nikkis so she can put it my other color.. lol..

it was like another two and a half hours before i even had a chance to sit down for two seconds and talk to him.


I felt bad.
I think he thought i was going to freak out.. or something.

[he says it annoys him more than anything when im really buzzed and i make a two second story last half an hour]

[i cant help it. thats what i do.]
Well at least he's trying. He gets an A for effort, D for performance, so that averages to a C+ :lol:
I never heard of sweetest day. :mellow:
lol...its just something chicks with boyfriends use to get presents. :p no single girls i know give a **** about sweetest days.
I never heard of sweetest day. :mellow:

It is another lame-**** hallmark holiday so that guys have to spend money on women for no reason except to stay on their good side.
That sucks. There has to be a day to remind guys to get their girls something. Oh wait, isn't there already a day like that?
we need more chicks here. :/
Of course you could debate that having a good realtionship isn't getting your girl something on certain days or even a lot without an occasion to stay in her good graces.

But I digress.........
lol.. he doesnt have to stay in my good graces! :p he is just adorable. and has sweet ideas. and just isnt very good at making sure things go the way he plans.. lol..
lol.. he doesnt have to stay in my good graces! :p he is just adorable. and has sweet ideas. and just isnt very good at making sure things go the way he plans.. lol..

I wasn't talking about Dane trying to be sweet, more Siq's comment on V-Day and other "buy me something or i'll get mad" holidays.
I'm glad I'm from the East Coast. Only "special" day in V-day...and anniversary. ;)

I am all for trying to do nice and sweet things for people you care about men or women especially without some huge cause or moment behind it.

I just don't like holidays built around that idea, I think it takes all of the fun and real meaning of giving someone a gift.
Sweetest day? who concocted this pile of horseshit?

I already hate Valentine's day about as much as one person can hate a thing. Do I know have to add extra hate for something similar in the fall?

Well V-day sucks because I get no love from anyone. My mom use to get me a little something, but now that I am at school its just another day.