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happy birthday jewels!


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
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noticed it at the top of the page. hope your day is a great one.

Happy birthday!!

Have a great day, and do fun things or else!

I'll expect a full summary of your day in this thread by midnight, understand? :)

Happy Birthday Jewels!!!!

WHeeeeeeee another birthday party to go to . . . Happy Birthday Jewels. :birthday:
Happy Birthday, resident Lurker! (heh...heh.. :) :D )

(did she ever come back after posting in welcome??)
Thanks everyone for wishing me a happy birthday, I haven't had the time to come back since that day. Just had a little spare time so I thought I'd come see what was going on. My birthday sucked as usual. :mad:
No presents again. :bawl: I guess I should be getting used to that though. I have been with my hubby for about 10 years, and he has never felt the need to get me anything for birthday's, valentines day, anniversary, or x-mas. And of course my birthday is right when harvest starts, so we never get to go out or anything either.
I made up my mind that I was not going to stay home this year. I got a babysitter for the kiddo's, and went gambling!! I won $12 :bgrin: in the money booth! I also won $50 on a machine but then the addiction set in, and I shoved it all back in plus some before I left. Had a migrain when I got home from looking at the screens, and smoking to much. Also ended up being sick for the next two days. Some mystery bug. I felt like I had a massive hangover, but only had 2 drinks on my birthday. Strange.
And there you have it, that is what happened on my B-day.

Also forgot to add-
Yes I did come back, and would like to more often, but just cannot seem to find the time. I am recovering from surgery that I had several weeks ago. I have fallen wayyyy behind in everything, and just cannot seem to catch up.
Anyways, another thanks goes out to those of you that thought of me on my birthday. :) :)
Well, come back whenever ya get a chance! Occasionally is better than not at all! :D

I hope your hubby shows he loves you in other ways...

Do you live on a farm? Just wondering why you can't go out for dinner because of the harvest...
Yes, unfortunately I live on a farm, and have for the last 10 years. I do not like living in the middle of nowhere. We are only 10 miles from town, but town isn't much either. About 2200 people is all. Anyways, we just started taking out crops a couple of weeks ago and have been to busy to do much of anything else. Hope to see you around!! :)