For some very unintentional reasons, two people that are in a romantic relationship might need to live separately in locations that are far apart. To most, it seems like long distance relationships doesn't work. The first time I tried same, it didn't work for me.
Have you ever had a good long distance relationship? How did you make it work? Do you believe long distance relationships can work?
I have been in a long-distance relationship now for almost 10 years (will be 10 years in September) and as much as we have gone through difficult spots and it's not easy, we have found that talking and letting each other know how we feel about things has helped keep things going.
We were going to meet quite a few years ago but due to the pandemic and now the rising costs, we have had to hold off but we hope to meet soon. We talk online every day and that helps a lot.
I really can't cope with a long distance relationship. I see it as a sort of mental torture to date someone that you can't see when you want to. Really distressing for me.