Has security increased at your workplace?


Peak Forum Legend
PF Member
Have you noticed an increase in security at your workplace since the attacks? Just curious as to what everyone's experiences have been in their parts of the country/world.

At my office, 90% of the company is involved in Disaster Recovery, so we noticed a change within 5 minutes of the 2nd tower being attacked.
Our parking lots now have a security checkpoint, additional security guards are on-duty, and customers must check in and wait to receive a security badge instead of just being able to be escorted by employees.

Even now, when most of the customers have had a chance to relocate, and are no longer using our facilities, we still have the added security measures on hand.
No, but security where I work is fairly tight anyway, because of all the financial data there...we have to have a sticker on our cars to drive past the security gate into the parking lot, and we have to swipe our badges to get into the building (even if someone else swipes theirs right in front of us).

I was kind of shocked on Friday when I went to pick up my bf at work and when I got to the security gate I said "I'm here to pick someone up for a carpool" and he just let me right on in....