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Have you ever had surgery?


Expert Talker
PF Member
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England, UK
Throughout our lives, we may either need some procedures done that involve us having to have surgery in a hospital or we may be lucky and not have needed to have surgery at all so far in our lives.

I myself have had surgery twice, the first one was a cesarean with my first born which was an emergency due to him being stuck whilst I was in labor, and the second time was to have my gallbladder removed which was keyhole surgery.

Have you ever had to have surgery in your life?
I got stitches three times, had to get my wisdom teeth pulled(all four), and had two c-sections, so yes.
I cut my hand while doing the dishes on a broken glass. Got a few stitches from it.
I've had multiple surgeries. 3 were for cancer and the last one was to remove a huge tumor from my uterus. I'm glad I had the surgeries because it's made my life so much better, even though the recovery time was no fun.
I never had surgery since I was born. I had some stitches on my forehead when I had a minor head injury that required urgent medical attention. Aside from that, nothing else again.