Health Care Bill Approved

And 11 states are filing a federal lawsuit against the laws based upon the law being unconstitutional
Why is the law being regarded as unconstitutional? I mean, it's something meant for the well-being of all the people, right?
that is the intention, but if you read some of the articles on it, the law will fine people who don't buy health insurance, and the states are being forced to come up with money that don't have so that means that they will have to raise state taxes to meet the budgets since the states are "suppose" to have a balanced budget.

Federally, they don't have to have a balanced budget, hence the national debt. The medicare system is in trouble and they are going to shove more people on to it. And my question is since this is such a great thing why is it that the federal government employees not going to be on it?

Now i have read several articles about that as well. They are trying to make it so that citizens have more of a choice as to which company and which plan they need with no spending caps. But again this a problem because even if you have a choice and they are at different levels (for different premiums) those of us who don't make 6 figure incomes are still going to have crappy insurance, where those who have a fantastic salaries can get the better insurance.

when i was in the hospital in Nov 2008 for surgery the doctor told me to bring my own medications that i take daily, because if the hospital were to supply it then i would pay an outrageous price for one pill.

and i am not talking about pain meds i am talking about my regular medications. There have been reports that OTC tylenol can be given to a patient at a hospital and they will charge the patient $10 and up for 1 pill

something needs to be done but i am not sure this is the way to do it
I'm sure it'll all turn out all right. They've worked for decades on this bill, and now they were finally able to pass it.

Medication *is* expensive ... $10 per pill is not much ... what needs to be done is to stop pharmaceutical companies from making artificially high prices.

We've had universal healthcare in Germany for many decades, and it turned out to be good.

One problem turned out to be that hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies and medical equipment suppliers were under the bed sheets with one another to milk the health insurances.

One advantage of universal health care in the US will be that insurances won't be able to drop customers that become sick (what's the point of a health insurance when it doesn't pay if you become sick).

Health insurances will no longer have to worry that customers will cancel their insurance plans. More people will stay insured at the same company.

This will enhance the quality of services provided by US health insurances.
Monster $10 a pill and up is rediculous when my 90 day supply only costs me $70

and that price for a OTC tylenol is rediculous as well...only time will tell if this will work the way they have it planned or not

so i will wait and see, since i have trouble believing the media and/or
Yeah, I'm a bystander anyway, I don't live in the US (yet).

I've been thinking every now and then about it, but there are still things that concern me ... Germany is a very nice place to live in ...