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So, I've been MIA for the past 2 weeks and it has been a very difficult few weeks.

Last Monday I woke up with a pain in my head unlike any other pain I've ever felt before. DH came home and took me to the ER, they did a head CT and a spinal both of which came back negative. Sent me home that afternoon. Once home I could not keep anything down. I was so sick. On Wednesay, my mom (who flew in from Chicago Monday night when DH called her) took me back to the ER. The car ride there was horrible. I threw up the whole way. I was dehydrated, still had headaches and serious nausea. They admitted me, ran a slew of tests, all of which came back negative. I was finally discharged on xmas eve. I went home with anti nausea pills (and several other meds) determined to keep fluids down so that I didn't have to go back to the hospital. I was able to make it downstairs on xmas morning to watch the kids open their gifts, but the pain was so unconfortable that I went back upstairs. Finally on Tuesday, my mom called one of her friends who is a doctor, and she told her that from what my mom told her, she thought I was probably leaking spinal fluid from the spinal tap and that I needed to go back to the hospital. We went and I got what is called a blood patch to stop the spinal fluid from leaking. I woke up Wed morning (yesterday) and the pain was finally gone...the nausea was still an issue, but the pain was gone.

So, here I am at home, hopefully here to stay. My mom flew back to Chicago last night, and my Aunt drove down to help me and DH with the kids so that DH could go back to work. (he was off and at the hospital with me all last week)

So, if you're still reading, I'm just asking for some prayers. I still feel like I have to force myself to eat/drink. I'm super weak, I guess to be expected. I feel like I ruined xmas for my whole family. We were supposed to be in Chicago, and obvioulsy that didn't happen and as a result, everyone else's plans changed. I know I shouldn't feel bad, but I do. It was the first xmas I didn't spend with my whole family.

I'm trying to be thankful but am having a really hard time. I haven't slept well cause when I close my eyes, I see my miserable self in the hospitals. Not sleeping, being in pain, wishing I was with my kids and not in the hospital. I can still smell the antibacterial that the nurses used everytime they came in my room. It almost feels like a PTSD if that makes any sense. My dreams have been so vivid and odd, it's just been a very difficult time for me and my family.

I hope that whatever was going on, is over and that every day I am closer to getting better and stronger. Awywho, thanks for listening, I def missed CW.
Ann I'm so sorry for all you've been going through. :flowers:I'll keep you in my prayers & hope you will continue to get better & stronger!!
Your in my prayers and hope you feel better really soon.
:huggy: :huggy: :huggy: I'm so sorry to read how difficult your Christmas was :huggy: :huggy: :huggy:

Please don't feel like you ruined anything for anyone....
you're a wonderful, warm person and I'm sure your family is glad that you're finally feeling better ♥♥♥

It doesn't sound like they really figured out what the original issue was, but hopefully it was something that come and goes, goes, goes AWAY like a flu . I will say a prayer and then say some more that you continue to heal .... I wish I was closer, so I could help and give you a real hug ♥♥♥
Oh my goodness!!! I'm so sorry! :huggy: Feel better soon.
Hope you'll be feeling much better soon & that the start of next year will be much better than how this one went out. :huggy:
Wow. I have been wondering where you have been. Sh*t I never expected this.

Take care of yourself and get better. You didn't ruin Christmas stop beating yourself up. Being sick and in pain without a "reason" is scary. Soon you will feel better.
Oh my, what an ordeal! I'm glad you're starting to feel better & hope you continue to improve daily.
I will most DEF. pray for God to reveal to you the issue with your body and to heal you.

Did they give you Zofran? It helps with nausea but the side affect is awful headaches. The drug is given to cancer patients and also pregnant women who experience horrible nausea. I have taken it with all 3 pregnancies. It works but there are side affects.

Prayer is your best case scenario as you know and I will life you up before our Lord.

hugs and God bless you and your family always!
I'm sorry Ann. You did not ruin Christmas but it is hard to be away from family. Glad to hear you are on the mend.
I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. I sure hope that the new year will bring you good health. I am sending comforting and healing thoughts to you.

You mention that you haven't been sleeping well. Have you talked to your doctor about it? Perhaps your doctor can prescribe some sleeping aid for you. so you can get a good night sleep. :hug::hug::hug:

I kid. Ann I'm so sorry to hear that!! I hate how much bad crap has been going around lately! I hope you stabilize and it passes. :( if you need anything, plmk! <3 :foryou:
sorry for all that and you should not be beating yourself up. i am sure all the treatments and drugs you have been through as of late have had an effect on you both physically and emotionally and you will feel better soon. i do however wish that you would seek a follow up treatment to figure out exactly what is the contributing issue at hand. unless it was viral menengitis which was passing thru our area and high schools as of late. just hoping there is no brain bleed anywhere. sending hugs and well wishes.
OMG, sorry for what you have been through. Will pray for you.
UGH. I hope you are on your way to better health! Don't feel guilty, not like you could control it! Hugs and prayers to you!!!!
Wow! Hope you are better each day! Praying for you!