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HELP! Can I give Brody rice?


Hooker boots for the mistah not the mustard.
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I've been crushing his melatonin and mixing with a little peanut butter which has been working fine until I gave him too big of a spoonful last night. Poor dog is pooping PB! Can I give him cooked rice to help bind him a little? I know they put rice in dog food but is it OK to give it to him as is? Is there anything else I could/should try? :9: Help?!
Sometimes people suffer from long bouts of diarrhea after stomach flu or because of conditions that are ongoing, like irritable bowel syndrome. When frequent bowel movements continue for more than a couple of days, and there is no indication of parasitic or bacterial infection, certain foods can help firm bowel movements and put an end to the condition. Commonly doctors advocate the BRAT or BRATTY diet to help relieve diarrhea.

BRATTY is an acronym for bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, tea and yogurt. These foods, especially when eaten together, can help to firm bowel movements. In the past physicians recommended the BRAT diet only, which did not include tea and yogurt, but the BRATTY diet is now preferred given the beneficial qualities in yogurt.

THIS pertains to people, but I would think it can also apply to dogs. I do feed mine some people food, as it is in the dog food anyways.
My daughter cooks all her boxer's food. Brown rice is something he eats a lot. Also, plain yogurt (only about a big tablespoon) is his night time snack. This would be a good time for the yogurt to replace all the good bacteria in the intestines that your dog is losing due to the diarrhea.
Sometimes people suffer from long bouts of diarrhea after stomach flu or because of conditions that are ongoing, like irritable bowel syndrome. When frequent bowel movements continue for more than a couple of days, and there is no indication of parasitic or bacterial infection, certain foods can help firm bowel movements and put an end to the condition. Commonly doctors advocate the BRAT or BRATTY diet to help relieve diarrhea.

BRATTY is an acronym for bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, tea and yogurt. These foods, especially when eaten together, can help to firm bowel movements. In the past physicians recommended the BRAT diet only, which did not include tea and yogurt, but the BRATTY diet is now preferred given the beneficial qualities in yogurt.

THIS pertains to people, but I would think it can also apply to dogs. I do feed mine some people food, as it is in the dog food anyways.

I remember the BRAT diet back in the day--it's the only thing that got me through my year in India.:lol:
Anyway you can give him rice. Won't hurt him.

Have you tried seeing if he will just eat the pill? When my dog needed aspirins, I was surprised but she just ate the pill if I held it out.
The vet has suggested rice & boiled chicken or beef whenever I've had a dog with digestive issues.

Rice is definitely ok to feed.
Anyway you can give him rice. Won't hurt him.

Have you tried seeing if he will just eat the pill? When my dog needed aspirins, I was surprised but she just ate the pill if I held it out.

No but I've been wondering about it. sometimes the crushed powder doesn't all get mixed in and he licks it off the plate anyway. Maybe tomorrow I'll see if he'll just chew up the half a pill.

You can gice him rice and some cooked hamburger rinsed in hot water to remove the fat.
The melatonin is helping, but only if I give it to him every single day. I hate doing it but he's really out of control :9:
Also canned pumpkin (the kind without the spices added) or any kind of cooked squash (pumpkin, acorn, butternut) is good.
Have you ever tried just putting the pill in his mouth, holding his mouth closed & blowing up his nose? Something about holding their mouth shut & blowing up their nose makes them swallow. I had a dog years ago that needed multiple pills a day & that's what her vet said to do.
The melatonin is helping, but only if I give it to him every single day. I hate doing it but he's really out of control :9:

Is the melatonin to calm him down? If so have you tried Rescue Remedy? Nothing will ever make Sophie a calm dog but Rescue Remedy seems to help her tolerate things a little better. I've used it on her before vet trips or when we were seeing the trainer and it helped somewhat. It's in liquid form & you administer it with a dropper. You can either put the drops in the dogs mouth or even on their skin (vet suggested her ear flap and that's what I've done) just rub it in and it gets into their system.

Have you ever tried just putting the pill in his mouth, holding his mouth closed & blowing up his nose? Something about holding their mouth shut & blowing up their nose makes them swallow. I had a dog years ago that needed multiple pills a day & that's what her vet said to do.

:lol: Chloe was always fussy with pills. I'm sure if I'd ever tried this on her I would have a scar to remember the incident.
Joan..............that crazy hyper pittie of yours has GOT to be run everyday (or twice). If you can't then please hire someone to do so. Her behavior will improve once she's exercised daily. That breed (esp. young) needs it.
I've seen rescue remedy for pets at Whole Foods but I think it may have cost more that the GNC link. Dr. Bach has a line of floral essences for people, just get the one that says pet on it.
When our dog needed to take pills we wrapped it in a tiny piece of cheese. Gulped it down everytime. For diarrhea my vet recommends pepto-bismal, that comes in pill form too.
Joan..............that crazy hyper pittie of yours has GOT to be run everyday (or twice). If you can't then please hire someone to do so. Her behavior will improve once she's exercised daily. That breed (esp. young) needs it.

Have you not been following along?
The World According to Sophie...
Me - safe.
Anyone else - bark your **** off at and don't let them within two feet of you.

How exactly would this work? :surrender:
Is the melatonin to calm him down? If so have you tried Rescue Remedy? Nothing will ever make Sophie a calm dog but Rescue Remedy seems to help her tolerate things a little better. I've used it on her before vet trips or when we were seeing the trainer and it helped somewhat. It's in liquid form & you administer it with a dropper. You can either put the drops in the dogs mouth or even on their skin (vet suggested her ear flap and that's what I've done) just rub it in and it gets into their system.


Thank you! I will look into it. Yes, it is to calm him down. He's lost his little mind. He just barks incessantly at everything all day every day. And when he's not barking, he's whimpering, or panting. Basically if he's not up my hiney at every minute he's nutso. It's my fault, I've spoiled him. And since he peed on mistah's clean laundry (the straw that broke the camel's back) mistah's OVER it. Brody and I have been spending a lot of time in the bedroom away from him :surrender:

The melatonin relaxes him so he's not so jumpy and barky. I'm giving him half a pill almost every day. I am at my wits end. I rescued him, I made a promise to him that I was his forever mommy. Is the barking annoying? Yes? Do I have to chase him all over the house wherever he goes I go to make sure he doesn't pee or mark? Yes, which is exhausting. But, it is what it is....just haven't figured out how all of us are going to live happily ever after if something doesn't give. :pout:

When our dog needed to take pills we wrapped it in a tiny piece of cheese. Gulped it down everytime. For diarrhea my vet recommends pepto-bismal, that comes in pill form too.

Thanks! I will try cheese tomorrow!
He's better...I gave him cheese rather than the rice and that helped. Yesterday I gave him his pill and a canine carryout treat at the same time and he chewed it right up :)

Thanks for asking :hug: