Here Come the Clones


Chief Talker
PF Member
I don't know about you but cloning still just doesn't do it for me. I think it's wrong. I understand the need to help those that are sick but there's got to be another way. I mean just because we can do something doesn't mean we should. If humans are cloned and they come out deformed. then there's the issue of whether they should be aborted or be born. What if they are sick? Who gave these people the right to be GOD!?! I believe in making babies in petri dishes cause someone is infertile, but not clones for medical purposes nor for curiousity sake just to see if it can be done. You can climb a mountain just cause it's there, but you can't make clones just cause you have the technology.

Ok that was a rant. but here's what I read.
I'll join this debate. If it's possible to clone human cells without cloning an entire human being, think of the possibilities:

1) We could grow entire organs.
2) We could grow limbs.
3) We could generate blood.
4) We could regenate nerve cells to repair spinal/neck injuries.

These things would maket the need for donors and prosthetics a day of the past. I would consider any of the above marvelous breakthroughs in medicine.

Now, I haven't read the article. I'm just discussing this from an academic sense. History is replete with science versus "morals". Some examples:

1) Copernicus' idea that the Earth orbited the sun was considered heresy by the Roman Catholic church. How dare someone question the Earth being the center of the Universe....after all, isn't the Earth the center of what God created, and do not the Heavens surround the Earth?

2) When Pastuer (sp) discovered that infections and diseases were spread by germs, again, the church was quick to look upon this as heresy since after all, evil spirits do cause all manners of sickness.

3) We still argue Darwin's Theory of Evolution versus Creationism. I have my own ideas that meld both, but the fact remains that we still have "morals" versus science.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think it's a bad idea to clone an entire human, especially since research has yielded odd results with animal cloning (such as obesity in cloned animals). I cannot agree that we shouldn't clone humans out of a respect for morality (I don't remember a commandment saying...thou shalt not reproduce life), but, if we do clone, it should be when the process is consistantly as good or better than reproducing, sexually.

My next opinion is for those who believe in God. For those who don't, my arguement above should satisfy. I believe God made us in His image....meaning we aspire to be more and more like God. This is evident in the Tower of Babel story. I believe that as long as we advance ourselves to better all of humankind and not for selfish gain, then we are doing just what God designed us to do.
I don't know if they can grow human limbs, etc., without growing the rest of the human, but hey if they can, great.

I *am* in favor of cloning embryos for stem cell research...I know a lot of people are very set against it, but there are so many diseases and conditions we could potentially find cures me it seems worth it.

But cloning for the purpose of having a baby, in my opinion, is just a really really bad idea.
Originally posted by hermanm
But cloning for the purpose of having a baby, in my opinion, is just a really really bad idea.
Hey, Humans!
Every Year You Made Mass Cloning of Snowmen... Without any reason! I saw an snowman who was made from snow, dirt and geese poop ... the piece of poop was instead this carrot. Who did creates such a pity thing? And dogs ... they pee on us ... and we have these yellow scars on our faces ...
So ... You would like chicken mutant, genetical salmon or carrot ... Why do You affraid of human cloning? I know ... You affraid that sometime in future these clones will kick You from this galactic ... Yeah ... and hey are right!
You can do anything ... the men who a made clonning will do it ... coz it is so much profit ... You can stop it in america and europe ... it will go to third countries ... Like abortion ...
Originally posted by hermanm
I don't know if they can grow human limbs, etc., without growing the rest of the human, but hey if they can, great.

I *am* in favor of cloning embryos for stem cell research...I know a lot of people are very set against it, but there are so many diseases and conditions we could potentially find cures me it seems worth it.

But cloning for the purpose of having a baby, in my opinion, is just a really really bad idea.

Perhaps I was a bit sci-fi with my discussion, but sounds like we are on the same page, for the most part. I just think that cloning humans for the purpose of having a baby is a bad idea given the current state of cloning research.
The way I see it, cloning will provide so many medical miracles, in cloning body parts, blood, etc. Who knows how many lives it will save.

...but then, we have to hope humankind isn't stupid enough to mess with full human cloning.
Originally posted by Learning To Fly
...but then, we have to hope humankind isn't stupid enough to mess with full human cloning.
Hey! What about me ... I will be very glad, if someboby will creates high quality clone of mine... In this case ... I'll rest him to make all my duties and ... of course I'll will melt on Bagamas, ot sink on Bermuda's pentangle, ... or even ... will sleep about 8 hours per day and will share my duties with him ...

I'll be happy, if they creates clone better then me ... smarter, kinder, honester and cutiest ... Of course, my tribe merits better member then me ... Seriously ... I am more negative then positive ...

I say, the cloning of limbs is very bed... It is looks like You put 'Aston Martin 2002' exhaust tube to 'Geo Metra 1905'.

do not affraid future... it will come anyway ...