
Established Talker
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Unfortunately Robin it is, Ben Affleck will be playing Batman in the new Superman/ Batman film slated for a july 2015 release.

This is not news I wanted to wake up to. I have nothing against Affleck but he's DareDevil! Not Batman! Can you imagine him using two different voices? In all honesty, I didn't really like Bale as Batman but I'd rather have him back than Affleck.

Looks like time will tell and see if I'm wrong (I'm usually never wrong when it comes to Batman but hey). Anyone got mad photoshop skills that can photoshop Affleck in TDKR suit?
There's a pretty big uproar because of it, especially on social networking sites.
I'm not going to watch it, like I haven't watched the majority of superhero films since the old, old, old Batmans films with Poison Ivy and Mr Freeze.
I'm sure he'll do a pretty good job, he is a good actor after all.
I just cringed AND cried at that comment. I bet they make Matt Damon Alfred or something ludicrous like that
Bale > Affleck

Affleck is DareDevil and not Batman, I'll go to watch it but still.

Then again lots of people said that Heath Ledger would never be good as the Joker
Ledger was a good Joker yes, and I HATE when people compare him to Jack Nicholson... I want to punch them in the face!

I will be watching. I'll be first in line at my local cinema like I was for the previous batman films, I'm just not looking forward to it like I was TDKR nor TDK.

Everyone is angry and upset over Affleck getting the part of Batman, but I'm fine with it. He's a good actor and I'm sure he wont ruin the movie for me. I think I'm the only person excited for this, oh well. We will see how it goes. :)