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*How do I deal with this awkward guy who wants to be friends with me?


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I'm a kind of guy who hangs out with the "popular"group, but also hang ou eith the other group of kids, I used to hang out more often with the latter, but I've been making more friends since last year.

There's this guy in my grade who sat next to me in my science class last year, and has been talking to me ever since. He's a sort of awkward guy. He has a pretty thick Asian accent, and he talks pretty stiffly. His laughs sound a little bit creepy too; it kind of makes me feel uncomfortable.*

He really seems to want to talk to me all the time. Whenever I'm not hanging out with anybody like at school, he always approaches me and talks about school and such. He also sometimes approaches me when I'm with a group of people, like when I'm sitting around with my trumpet section during break at marching band practice (He's in marching band with me). He's not one of those "funny" people, so I have to crack a joke or two to make the conversation interesting. Whenever I do that, he usually laughs in the creepy way that I said before, but at times, he doesn't seem to get it and unknowingly kills my jokes.

He also high fives me and stuff, it's kind of weird. He probably does that because they're what the "cool" kids do.

*He's not a bad guy and all--he never insults me or cusses me out; it's just that he kind of sticks around with me all the time. But I don't want to act mean to him and tell him to back off and hang out with his other friends instead.

So I was wondering how I can deal with this situation
Maybe he fancies you ;)

Why don't you want to be friends with him though?

Maybe if you gave him more of a chance and didn't think about ways to get rid of him you might enjoy talking to him :) Though idk what he's like so you can always be like "where are your friends then?" as mean as it sounds I've done it before to this creepy boy who always stalked me and it works haha
I'm a kind of guy who hangs out with the "popular"group
Maybe the guy also wants to be popular? he may be a little bit lonely.

I think you have three options.

1- Make friends with him.
2- carry on as you are.
3- Lay it on the line with him and tell him you are quite happy without him.

If you try to treat him as a friend, you may find out that he is not such a bad guy after all. It is Your choice.
Why don't you want to be friends with him though?

No, it's not like I don't want to be friends with him. It's just kind of weird to have someone stick around with you all the time, you know.

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Maybe the guy also wants to be popular? he may be a little bit lonely.

I think you have three options.

1- Make friends with him.
2- carry on as you are.
3- Lay it on the line with him and tell him you are quite happy without him.

If you try to treat him as a friend, you may find out that he is not such a bad guy after all. It is Your choice.

Yeah, I'll try to treat him as a friend for now.
I'm going to take a bet that the reason why he's acting like this is because he doesn't know any better.

You said he's awkward. You also said that he isn't very popular, and that he doesn't always understand your jokes. That's enough to to convince me to think he's socially retarded. I don't necessarily mean that in a negative light, I'm just saying it like it is.

And that's exactly what you need to do. I can't stress this enough: if you want him to stop following you, tell him that. If you still want to be friends with him, tell him that. Don't make him try to guess what you think of him, because he won't get any subtle hints.

Just be as clear, direct, and honest as possible. If he doesn't understand that he's crossing his boundaries, just tell him. It's no big deal, really.
I'm going to take a bet that the reason why he's acting like this is because he doesn't know any better.

You said he's awkward. You also said that he isn't very popular, and that he doesn't always understand your jokes. That's enough to to convince me to think he's socially retarded. I don't necessarily mean that in a negative light, I'm just saying it like it is.

And that's exactly what you need to do. I can't stress this enough: if you want him to stop following you, tell him that. If you still want to be friends with him, tell him that. Don't make him try to guess what you think of him, because he won't get any subtle hints.

Just be as clear, direct, and honest as possible. If he doesn't understand that he's crossing his boundaries, just tell him. It's no big deal, really.

That's gonna be really hard...

Last year, when I was signing yearbooks with a group of kids, he came towards me and asked me to sign his yearbook. I told him that I'm signing other people's yearbook right now, and that I'll sign it later. He had a slightly shocked expression in his face, though, so I ended up saying that I'll sign it right now. I wrote that sitting next to him in science was fun and all that. He gave a little chuckle.

Look, I don't mean to be a **** to anybody. And I DO want to make friends. And I'm not sure if he's COMPLETELY socially retarded, cuz you know, he does have a few other friends.

But I'll definitely keep that in mind, in case things he starts acting too stalker-ish.
hey guys, thanks for the replies. i really appreciate it :D

I guess the guy did want to be popular too. when. During band camp for my high school's marching band, we had this dance party, and I saw him dancing with the popular kids who are friends with me, and also had classes with him last year.

I found out that the guy won't come close to me if I just stick around with my other friends. I still talk to him at times, though. He does have trouble communicating normally with me.
Just talk to him, get to know him a little and everything will pan out just fine for both of you.