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How do you apologize when you messed up and hurt your loved one?


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When I screw up and that happens constantly, I try to consider my actions. I see where I was wrong by placing myself in her shoes. I?ve been doing it long enough to see the big picture in a few minutes. I instantly see the errors of my ways once I ?look through her eyes?. Once I realize exactly what I have done and not what I thought I?ve done, I can go to the next step: apologizing.

Sometimes just saying I am sorry will solve most of the problem, yet it?s not always enough. I use poems, flowers, begging, and pictures with sweet puppies, just to name a few. When the boo-boos are really big, I turn to leaving small notes around the house for her to find. I write down one quality I love about her on a piece of paper and ?hide? it in plain sight. Then I go to the next and so on until I have 6-7 at least. They are all qualities I adore about her. This doesn?t always get me off the hook but it sweetens the deal considerably.

What?s your way of apologizing? Do you have a secret technique?
When I have hurt someone, I find something they hold dear to their heart (music, food, books, etc.) and try to create something unique to give as a token of apology. I believe making something adds that special touch as opposed to purchasing items such as flowers, cards, etc. Taking the time out of your day to create a gift will make them feel special again and will most certainly win them over :)
I mess up all the time. But I apologize. Usually I lose my temper because I am impatient and snap at my husband. I feel so bad but then stubbornness and false pride steps in. I feel ashamed and walk away, and do some menial chore around the house . I then come back and apologize. I use words that come from my heart, and I am sincere. I specify what I did wrong, and that it was wrong. And I ask him to forgive me.

Lately I noticed that he does the same thing when he does something wrong. WE are quick to apologize so that resentments don't build up and that the issue is resolved quickly rather than festering.
I can be infuriating to be with so therefore I end up apologising :P

I cry because I'm emotional and early on in a relationship, or if you've done something stupid, it's "omg will they break up with me" even though you know full well they'd never do that.
I think about how my partner would have felt due I my actions and I deliberately make myself feel incredibly guilty because I want to put myself in their shoes.
I always intend to better my actions and try to improve the issue.
I say sorry, and let him know I love him. That's important to me, so I imagine he wants the same reassurance.
Well, I never argued with my boyfriend; but I reckon I would force myself to open my heart even if it's oh so hard for me sometimes, specially when I feel quilty and there's love involved somehow. Communicating is the key.