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How hot is it where you are?


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Probs going to be the warmest day of the year so far around us 21 degrees.

Biddulph - Stoke

With Music on fully :)
It's usually about 75-95 F during the summer where I live. The winter averages maybe 35 or so Fahrenheit.
Muy caliente! Today was about 95 F. I hate the hot.
At the moment, it's about 11 degrees. We're pretty much in Winter at the moment. Though in Summer, luckily it often ranges from 25-40 degrees.
Yesterday it was about 95 F. :s That's 35 C for all of you outside the US. That's making me melt, for all of you living somewhere cool.
Got to 33?C today, absolutely hate it, anything over 15?C is too hot for me.
It's about 85 F here.
I'm feeling so sluggish because of it. I feel so awful when it's really hot!!
It's meant to be the hottest day of the year, but the British equivalent of hot, really means warm to most other countries :lol:

*types this in a thick jumper*
[MENTION=5]Riven[/MENTION], are you in the Algarve now?
no. Leiria.

I am boiling.... Sunday i'll definitely go to the beach.

In Algarve the temp is lower. But i'd still love to go back just to go to the beach everyday
Where I currently live in Texas, its usually 90-100 degrees everyday.
Too hot! It's like 30 degrees with no wind or clouds. It's like stepping into a sauna when you go outside, the heat just hits you!