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How many TV's Do u have?


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ok, be honest, how many TV's do you have?

I have 4 TV's we're thinking about getting our 5th one.
Let's see..

I have 5 tv's in my entire house, hmm and one 2.5 inch portable tv..

One is being replaced very soon for a new 36" with a component video in port, I'm just waiting for a certain refund check to get back to me in the mail.

Alien - Administrator / Owner
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
I've got one, which is about all I can fit in this tiny studio apartment of mine...

My family has at least 7. Living room, parent's room, brother's room, other brother's room, sister's room, den downstairs, garage (yes, garage), and probably one or two more sitting around somewhere. Oh, yes, I remember - there's also an old portable TV being stored in the laundry room.


My knob tastes funny.
ooohhh.... I forgot about my little TV. I dont use it very often.. only when the electricity goes out
two here. alien, seriously, FIVE tv's? do you live in a bar?

my old, crusty, former landlady had at least fifteen tv's stacked up all over her living room. they were all from the fifties and only one of them worked. i'll tell you people all about her sometime ... heh!

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
have 5 here also
when i move to my apt i'll have 2 though
buyin a new one, and takin the small one for my bedroom since i can

5 is nothin, my gf has 7 in her hours

I only have 2, but we're looking to get another one as a replacement/improvement for the home theater. Currently, we have a 20" in there, but I would love to move to at least a 27" Sony Wega. Those things look great.
Who knows... then I can move to 20" into the home office.

I am Jack's raging inner child. Without me, Jack has to deal with the pitfalls of reality.
Well living in a 1 bf apt we have 2 - a 27" and a 13", a 301 disc DVD changer, a vcr and the computer...more info than you asked for...

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
Five TV's here too, plus a small B&W 4 incher. We also have 4 VCR's hooked up to these TV's. They are all color and in good working condition. One in the living room, one in our bedroom, one in the study (Computer room) and one in the spare bedroom (rarely used). Also have an older one (color) in the basement. Sort of like the spare. We just built a house and there is no window over the kitchen sink because it backs to the garage. I wanted to mount a TV over the sink so that I can watch TV when I wash the dishes. My wife over-ruled me and only allowed me to have a phone in the bathroom instead.
ew why would you want a phone in the bathroom? Who wants to talk on the phone while they do their business?

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
Originally posted by liltaz:
ew why would you want a phone in the bathroom? Who wants to talk on the phone while they do their business?

! Some of us spend a long time reading the newspaper in there! j/k
We have seven TVs in our house. We only have four people in our family, so I don't know why we have so many. I hardly ever watch TV, but the rest of the family usually watches TV every night.

One primary (living room), one in the bedroom (rarely used) slaved to the primary via X-10 Video transmitter setup, one Atari or Amiga (I forget) color video monitor in the computer room also slaved to the primary via X-10 (used a lot). A B/W 4" Sony jobby that is never used for TV, but the radio is handy, and a small old Casio indirect view LCD POS that is used primarily as a portable color monitor for the camcorder (I really don't count those two).

Does that color monitor count? I guess so because it shows primarily TV...

Scotty, the native aliens here ARE friendly...
Originally posted by Always An Alien:
7 in all. Hey, I did get rid of one. Now if I just had something to watch.

7 TV's in your house and you havent watched tv in a year. Did you ever have any 'cravings'? I mean if I saw a tv and havent watched tv for over a week you'd see me in front of it for a whole day.

I got a TV in these places:
Parents Room
My Room
Sisters Room
Living Room

(We got our fifth)

If we got any more where would we put them? In the bathroom? Hallway?
Yes indeed, m&m, I do get cravings. Good thing I get a "fix" now & then. Last night I watched my friends motel while they were out. Saw 2 Married With Children and channel surfed.
Find I have alot more time for other things though.
Hmm.. how many TV's do I have

Well that is a hard one.

OK We have 3, One in my room, one in living room, one in kitchen.

I know a guy who has a 50 inch sony triniton widescreen.


What a machine it is.
Frame in Frame picture, Fasttext, Freezing, everything.


I don't get it?
What is all this?