Lys, that's exactly what Bush's planning to do, and I support it 100%.
MJ: That doomsday scenario is unlikely. What nuclear power would try anything? China has Islamic rebels in Xinjiang to worry about, and the Beijing Olympics to risk. India are allied with the US, and Pakistan know that if they tried anything, the US would give India free reign to blow the living c*ap out of them. Bush's plans will make it a lot harder for terrorism to occur. He's going after the governments that openly support terrorism head-on, and putting pressure on other countries, such as Syria and Palestine, to shut down the offices and networks of such organisations as Islamic Jihad.
Sitting back and doing nothing won't stop anything. Bin Laden will still be out there. The Taliban will still be sponsoring terrorism. As will Saddam Hussein. Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and other such organisations will still be allowed to openly operate. And what will we have gained? Maybe we won't be risking the lives of a few American servicemen. Maybe we won't be risking the lives of a few innocent people. But we will have lost the best chance we've ever had to topple two of the world's nastiest regimes in one hit, do a whole lot of damage to the hardline Islamic terrorist organisations, allow the people of Iraq and Afghanistan to live in some sort of freedom, which in turn, will solve some of the world's refugee problems. We've got very little to lose by going into the Middle East here, and everything to gain.